#bugs – @montagemode on Tumblr

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fast forward to the interesting parts

today I found a Sad Bug Friend flipped on his back and flailing his little leggies in a puddle after a torrential downpour

so I picked him up and put him on a tree outside my building because cicada nymphs only come aboveground when they’re ready to complete their final molt and enter the adult instar

I came back an hour later and he’d done the thing and I’m so proud :’) he’s tired and drying off but he should be up and flying soon!

anyway this is a reminder to Be Cool to bugs because they have tiny lives and work really hard and I love them


Arguably the most beautiful insect, the wings of the the Madagascan sunset moth (Chrysiridia rhipheus) actually don’t have any pigmentation! The colors that you are seeing are actually the result of optical interference and the refraction of light at different angles from micro-ribbon in the wings.  (images x,x)

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