#bizzyboys – @modmad on Tumblr

Everything I draw ends up wearing a bow-tie

@modmad /

A collective of miscellany and mirth. Also sometimes I draw stuff.

It's G!

....It's P!!!

Some goof ups on P's embroidery (accidental heterochromia) and some tweaks I want to make, but I'm overall pretty happy! Had to give the cone a shot while I rethought how I was gonna do the hair. At the moment it's just pinned on, since I'm not sure if I want to make the head a little smaller

Gotta make a few edits, and we'll have our first real lad!

Might make the head a little smaller, though.

Everyone's getting a turn! P won the vote since I couldn't pick, and Capo's my boy, so ... Patience, babes ;3c

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