*Whaters the dash* Drink! Grow! Drink! Grow!
Art by xiaoyu huang
has the new anime season started?
finished my exam passed the semester/ module hell yea im free and im back
another one I really like…
hate how all other social media is just 10 pages of scrolling through 90% us politics now
I have female hysteria + male loneliness + toxic masculinity + dark empath abilities
I think one of the biggest reasons I enjoy jjba is because I envy this level of confidence and sincerity in storytelling. See, I would not have just said something as fucking stupid as "bullet-deflecting oil." I would've come up with some kind of Watsonian bullshit magic-science explanation that at least squared with the logic of the story instead of just saying "Oh, it's an oil that deflects bullets" and moving on to the next thing. But that is not because I am a better storyteller, no, quite the opposite. It's because I'm a coward.
During the fight with limp bizkit, jolyne says something along the lines of “since the zombies are invisible of course they can walk up walls” and you’re just supposed to accept that is a logical conclusion for someone to jump to as if its common knowledge
Make me feel like a dumbass for not knowing invisible zombies can walk up walls
the fact that George "let's murder everyone in the middle east" bush Jr is getting rehabilitated in the public mind as just a bumbling incoherent buffoon and not the bloodthirsty neoconservative warhawk he was and still is is proof that Trump is only like two future presidencies away from being seen in pop culture as a wacky jokester
You need to have the 28 other mods and all their dependencies for this mod to work, plus all the mods that they depend on. You also need to go into your x69 files and delete the .gloop file (NOT the .gleeb file!!!) and you need to run CuntExpander to generate a working skeleton for the animations and when that's done you have to reconfigure PNIS (which you should honestly be using NippleSense by now) and then deploy mods, uninstall then reinstall everything, then run PNIS again IN A SEPARATE FILE and deploy. Then it should work 👍
Silent Love❀
absolute girlfails