#trans vent – @mlmshark on Tumblr

Gay Shark Man



So fucking tired of just trying to be in queer social media spaces only to see people just constantly dog piling on trans mascs/men and about how apparently fucking awful all of us are and how we’re not safe and how people should feel uncomfortable around us or how how we’re all dramatic etc and people starting discourse about us literally just wanting to be treated with respect and like part of the community and be able to talk about our problems in peace. I’m really tired of this bullshit. Doesn’t even feel like we’re welcome in the community because people might have these weird fucking views on us and how we’re all apparently the worst people to ever walk the planet. Seriously if you talk about other people in the queer community like this but then say that you’re actually “a safe place for queer people” or something and complain about not having queer solidarity go fuck yourself


I know we’re supposed to be proud of being trans but god it’s so fucking tiring sometimes. Alongside dealing with transphobia from outside of the community, there’s so much transphobia on the inside too. I feel like as a trans man I have to put up with so much shit, and the people who should be my allies tell me to get over it. Transmasc voices and experiences are constantly getting put down to uplift transfem voices, and every time me or any other transmasc points it out we immediately get called transmisogynistic. Like every time I talk about the stuff I experience as a trans man there’s ALWAYS someone ready to jump to tell me how much trans women have it worse and it’s tiring. At one point one of these people actually started comparing the murders of trans men and trans women to prove a “who has it worse” point. It’s so fucking tiring. When we’re not being silenced in our community then we’re being made fun of. Genuinely how often do you see people making fun of transmascs and perpetuating transmasc stereotypes? It’s a lot. There’s always a new trend every month making fun of us like right now it was fem trans men but before that it was “sad transmasc ukulele music” and before that it was how we dress, etc. Everyone is ALWAYS looking for any excuse to shit on us. I thought basic trans guy name jokes were funny at first but now people genuinely make fun of me for using the name Oliver or act as if that’s some point in an argument to use against me. I have to specify to people that I’ve always liked the name Oliver and that’s why I chose it “prove” that I’m not faking it. I feel embarrassed to tell people my name because of how bad it’s gotten. Every time I try to talk about issues I always get people saying that I’m a “privileged man trying to make everything about himself” because their brains are too fucking small to comprehend the fact that I was born and raised a girl and am legally, medically, and socially seen as a girl. People don’t understand intersectionality AT ALL anymore. Being a trans man or transmasc at this point, and generally for all of history, has been so fucking tiring and now it feels like I don’t even have a community that’s going to listen to me and is just going to make fun of me or put me down instead. I don’t like you guys anymore.


It feels like everything is falling apart. One of the two job options I want is apparently no longer an option, the state my dream college is in is now considered unsafe for trans people, my dysphoria is at a new high, and my relationship with my mom feels more strained than ever. I literally feel like I can’t do this anymore

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