Person: “Trans women deserved to be loved and respected!”
Me: “Oh, real!”
Me: *goes to person’s profile*
Same person: “All trans men are evil and gross and bad I hope they all die”
Me “Oh.”
Person: “Trans women deserved to be loved and respected!”
Me: “Oh, real!”
Me: *goes to person’s profile*
Same person: “All trans men are evil and gross and bad I hope they all die”
Me “Oh.”
There’s something so odd about having another trans person openly misgender you like girl why would you do that we’re supposed to be on the same team
Idk why people are constantly trying to put transmascs and transfems at odds because sometimes I just scroll through both of our tags and genuinely tear up at how beautiful it is to be part of this community and the hope we have. Seriously fuck people who keep trying to take that away from us
People using TMRA as some type of insult is odd because like…yeah. I do care about trans men’s rights. Why the fuck don’t you? Why is caring about trans men’s right an insult to you?
“Uhm, actually trans men can’t say tranny because they don’t get called it…😕”
Are we forgetting who were calling themselves trannyfags in the 1980’s?
“These trans men are in a detranstioning cult”
Alright you go have fun with your tinfoil hat while other trans people are genuinely fearing for their lives and safety
I don’t know who needs to hear this, but I think it’s very important for people to get it in their heads, especially now with everything that’s going on.
Trans men talking about their issues does not silence trans women talking about their issues.
Trans men talking about their oppression does not mean they think trans women oppress them, or overshadow trans women’s oppression.
Acknowledging trans men’s problems will not get trans women’s problems ignored.
Talking about trans men’s murders will not disregard trans women’s murders.
Talking about trans men’s hate crimes will not set aside trans women’s hate crimes.
Both coexist, both are important, and often both overlap. Especially in times like right now, we need to let trans people speak up for themselves and create a community that supports one another. No more of this “who has it worse” bullshit. Both issues are important, and both issues need to be talked about, so stop trying to silence trans people
Something very very odd and definitely very uncomfortable about the people who don’t want trans men to talk about their experiences and have their own language about their oppression suddenly insisting that said trans men have an “unrealized detransition kink” …ew.
(Also this is a transmasc issue but I’m giving it transfem tags so other people in the community can see it and be aware of these people)
So fucking tired of just trying to be in queer social media spaces only to see people just constantly dog piling on trans mascs/men and about how apparently fucking awful all of us are and how we’re not safe and how people should feel uncomfortable around us or how how we’re all dramatic etc and people starting discourse about us literally just wanting to be treated with respect and like part of the community and be able to talk about our problems in peace. I’m really tired of this bullshit. Doesn’t even feel like we’re welcome in the community because people might have these weird fucking views on us and how we’re all apparently the worst people to ever walk the planet. Seriously if you talk about other people in the queer community like this but then say that you’re actually “a safe place for queer people” or something and complain about not having queer solidarity go fuck yourself
So I just saw a post from a trans creator that I really looked up to for the past few years saying “As a trans man, misandry is the answer” and it pushed me to make this post saying that man hating does not hurt who you think it does.
The one I feel should be obvious that it’s the basic point of a lot of transmisogyny. “Men are bad” is the biggest talking points that terfs have that harm trans women and be transphobic. This rhetoric literally gets trans women killed because they’re seen as “dangerous men”. It’s terf rhetoric.
It hurts closeted trans women, who often have a lot of self hatred because of this rhetoric, that because they haven’t transitioned that they’re “gross, evil, dangerous men” and that they won’t be loved by the queer community if they’re “not woman enough” for them
It hurts trans men. We’re constantly put down for wanting to be men, and often told to be quiet on our own conversations about transphobia towards us because we’re men. Trans men get shamed for their transition, being told their “switching to the wrong side” or getting shamed for “mutilating their perfect female body”
It hurts closeted trans men, as they’re constantly having the “men are bad and gross” idea pushed on them from people in the queer community, making them scared to come out or ashamed for wanting to be a man. I’ve literally had younger trans men tell me that they were scared to come out and transition because of it.
It hurts queer people attracted to men. Bisexuals are shamed for liking men and are often told that it’s such a shame that they’re attracted to men. The same thing happened to gay men, shamed for their attraction to men. I remember when I realized I was gay and not pansexual that I was so ashamed and scared to come out because only being attracted to men was just “such and awful thing”, getting told by people that they were sorry for me, because being attracted to men was just the worst possible thing that could happen, right?/sar
But you know who it doesn’t really affect? Homophobic cishet men. It doesn’t affect them at all. They leave this conversation with no harm done to them.
It hurts queer people. You are hurting queer people with this rhetoric. Believing “man bad” is giving into the terf ideals you claim to hate. Kill the terf in your brain.
People saying shit like “trans men have privilege over trans women because cis women have privilege over trans women” or anything else along the lines of “afab privilege or “female privilege” are literally just outing themselves as seeing trans men as cis women. Like holy shit you complain about transphobia and not having trans solidarity and then you literally call trans men women and start useless discourse that separates trans men from trans women like the call is coming from inside the house
Every time I see someone using “Would you want this trans man in the girls bathroom with your daughter?” as a comeback when it comes to the bathroom debate I want to bash my head into the wall because why can’t you people process that those are also extremely dangerous situations for us, not just trans women, and just once again making us out to be dangerous people that “shouldn’t be around children”. That is literally just promoting cis people to physically harm trans men if they see them in the women’s bathroom
Transandrophobia goes beyond just being dismissive of trans men, it's this culture within the queer community where transmasc and afab enby experiences and culture are regularly hated and dismissed by the rest of the community. As well as the way any hint of female sex on someone who isn't a woman is hated. Not to mention the insane amount of transphobia + homophobia trans mlm face within the queer community.
Like just look at how every fandom (lemon demon, fnaf, TallyHall, Undertale, backrooms, etc.) gets hated and mocked by the internet the momment the fandom becomes majority afab trans people. I've seen this happen in real time, where fandoms go from being seen as cool and interesting, to being dismissed as weird and cringe, the momment thos shift happens.
Or the way transmasc and afab enby bodies are treated. The way transmascs are bullied for not having body types considered masculine. The searing hatred most people here seem to have for any afab trans person who isn't on T. The way passing is celebrated as a moral good. The way twink has been a polite way for some people to call trans men girls.
Transmascs and afab enbies deserve love and kindness. And they also deserve human respect. Please if your an afab trans person reading this: I love you, I respect you, you deserve to be respected, and treated as an adult able to make your own decisions, you deserve to have your body treated with respect regardless of appearance and for people to be normal about it.
“Just another man making it about himself.” - someone on *MY*post that *I* made *SPECIFICALLY* about transphobia to trans men
Some trans men: *pass relatively easily*
Other trans men: *have a harder time passing*
Other trans men:*can’t bind due to health or financial reasons*
Other trans men: *binders don’t work because of chest size or body type*
Some other trans men: *can’t transition because of home, financial, or safety reasons*
Other trans guys: *struggle to pass despite transitioning and even being on t*
Other trans men: *can’t get on t for health, financial, or safety reasons*
Some other trans guys: *cannot pass no matter what they try*
Dumbasses on the internet: *looks at trans men group #1* “…ermmm….so actually all of you collectively pass very easily! Just put on an oversized flannel! Think about your privilege!”
Something I’ve noticed in my years as a trans guy is the way people talk about us. Like when people like us it’s “boypussy” and “I need to fuck a tboy” (boy, never man) but when people are mad at us it’s “cunt boy” “zipper tits” and “I know their 🐱smells horrible”. Like people can NEVER keep their minds out of our pants, loving us or hating us, and they will always deny our manhood, calling us boys instead of men in some weird and infantilizing fetishy way
I dream for a day that trans fems and trans mascs can all talk about their experiences and discrimination together in peace and harmony instead of having someone throw a fit over “who has it worse”, or what words we use, or how we look, or claiming that we must hate the other, or how we experience things differently, or someone making nasty side comments about the other, or literally just being at each others throats all the time. Why can’t we have that?