i love knowing how to gif. what an amazing skill. useless unless on tumblr. perfect
Tumblr already has a personalization algorithm it's called my beloved mutuals who have great taste and only wish to psychologically damage me sometimes
#this scene was so dumb #this movie sucked #this movie was garbage but-
Then don't reblog it???? I cannot keep reiterating how annoying it is for op to read these tags. Why are you reblogging things you don't like or enjoy? Keep your reviews off gifmaker's posts unless you are sharing the love and appreciation for what people are creating.
I love blocking people I've never interacted with based off their replies on some random popular post. Wow random user on a post with 50k notes with the worst take ever, I hope I never meet you and will make sure we never do
"Why are you still on tumblr, it's a dead site" Tumblr is the ONLY site that still works in the way of -Follow this person, see their posts- instead of -you stopped scrolling and stayed on this post for .2 seconds longer than others, here's 100 more posts like it- I hate algorithms. Tumblr has its many issues. But at least I keep my choice of what I see.
You've heard of gatekeeping fandoms, now get ready for gatekeeping hatedoms, in which only cool people who hate the thing for the right reasons are allowed because you don't want to be associated with annoying people who look for things to be mad about
gifmaking as a hobby is really funny cos we're really out here putting hours of effort into something that has no meaning or relevance outside of this one single dying website (and diminishing meaning and relevance ON this single dying website) and we not only continue doing it but we're also deeply serious about it
being a gifmaker is fighting for your life in photoshop to get -0.3 notes on the set you've been thinking about all day
Latest tumblr glitch is my inbox showing me I have 10 new messages. Which I think counts as psychological warfare on this website.
1-3 new messages: Oh? Do people wanna talk to me :0
10 new messages: There's a hit out on my life.
Ever since I was a little child I always knew I wanted my content removed for violating Tumblr's Community Guidelines
a) gifs = art. can’t believe this still has to be said but they are. considering creators spend hours coloring a gif, and the coloring an individual gifmaker uses looks vastly different from anothers, and various types of typography and creativity can be employed, gifs very much can be and are art.
b) “it wasn’t my intention to steal from someone else!” … in what world does right-clicking on someone else’s edit, saving it and reposting it to your own blog not count as stealing??? you’re fully aware of what you’re doing when you do that, and you do it for clout on tumblr dot com, when you could just support the gifmakers who already barely get the support they deserve.
c) editing the post (that isn’t yours) and “crediting” the op is still considered stealing. you still took the images and posted it to your own blog. you clearly still believe that simply reblogging the original post isn’t good enough, and you clearly are still self-interested when you could be supporting others. if you want to post gifs, learn to make your fucking own instead of being rude and condescending.
what’s so hilarious about people claiming that gifmaking isn’t art is like… why don’t you make your own gifs then? is that because you don’t know how? because maybe it’s too challenging for you to master? or too much work? or too expensive to purchase what you want to gif, or purchase photoshop, or purchase a VPN so you can t*rrent shit? it’s just so condescending like gifmaking is a SKILL that you have to learn and not everyone is good at it or can even do it. fuck off with that shit
PSA Tumblr Users!!!
Had to reblog this post because I keep seeing this crap here, and on Pinterest and it’s getting on my nerves. I’m majoring in Graphic Design and plan to do this for a living. So I know a thing or two about what I’m talking about in terms of copyright, what you actually own and about giving credit. I thought maybe I ought to clear it up for y'all.
Screenshotting or video recording images from a movie or tv show, then coloring it over, adding a filter and some words DOESN’T LEGALLY MAKE IT YOURS. Sure, it’s the internet, and we take pictures and we make pictures. But demanding someone gives YOU the credit for combining one or two images that weren’t yours to begin with isn’t legally stealing.
It’s one thing if it’s original art that you drew or photographs you took yourself, because that’s YOUR original content. Reposting that kind of work and claiming it’s yours IS stealing. Giving credit for gifs and other edits is more of a formal courtesy and not infringing on copyright.
I understand people work hard on gifs and it’s annoying when people repost without credit– believe me, I get it. But many of those images weren’t yours to begin with anyway. I can’t just video record a gif from The Avengers, color it over with a filter and claim it’s mine. That footage belongs to Disney and they never gave me any permission to use it or claim ownership of it. So demanding people do the same for you, when you don’t own the footage or image you initially used, is outright hypocrisy.
Go ahead and block me if you like. I don’t really care. I’m just tired of seeing this, because it’s obvious people don’t understand copyright laws at all, and they’re to the point where they’re cool with stealing off the internet themselves, but also feel entitled to receive “credit.”
oh not THIS bullshit again. a large amount of gif makers (like myself) have been on tumblr for nearly a decade, so i think WE would know a thing or two about copyright infringement before asking people to give us credit and not steal our gifs (which yeah belong to us). you really said this shit like it’s supposed to be revolutionary or something lmfao
from a previous ask i answered:
so kindly, get the fuck off my post ❤️
@yennefer this post is already long enough as it is but i just had to add your tags because i truly couldn’t agree more
Please for the love of god just let me click on the user that something was rb from and see the damn post on that blog
The thing I would be most heartbroken to lose if tumblr were the close are gifsets. Nothing recommends a show to me better than a gifset. Nothing lets me appreciate a show like a gifset. The minute facial expressions, the colouring, the set design, the dialogue, the gif maker's own twists and artistic additions, I love it all so much and you just can't get it anywhere else.
no matter how many followers you have the same 10 people will reblog posts from you
Normalize going into people’s ask boxes and ask them random ass questions.
Tumblr used to be so much fun with all the asks (anonymous or otherwise), and we need to bring those back, especially now that we finally have a half-decent blocking feature in place.
Ask people things! Message them! Don’t let tumblr inbox die! It’s one of the features that made tumblr tumblr.
omg if you feel like it you can always ask me random questions. i will answer all, this is literally the most fun thing ever (and i’m nice i promise)