If you don’t know about Crazy Delicious. Now you do...
Puff puff pass
gimme sammich
gib bagul
i’m on the verge of tears because i’ve seen this post tons of times but today i realized the second reblog is cheezeburger speak for “give bagel” when i thought it was a dark souls boss name like
A couple restored a school bus on this ...
I see no difference in energy here
James Acaster, Comedian. [x]
im reading about cowboy phrases and sayings and like 95% of them are just solid life advice
like idk how accurate these are but somehow they manage to be both peak shitposting humor and genuinely helpful suggestions
fuck self-help books and therapy, all i need to make it in life is my trusty Cowboy Tips™
Are these cowboy phrases? These just sound like things that my mom would say.
i cant wait to love the fuck out of somebody and not look stupid