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marie - 35 - she/her movies, tv, et al. #usermm

Mom and I have less than $200 between us and need a little more to keep us afloat with bills and medical supplies while we wait for Dad’s pension to start disbursing. Please help us keep our lights and heating on!

Forgot to link my PayPal and Venmo ✌️

FIDELITY MADE A FUCKING CLERICAL ERROR, so now Dad’s pension won’t start disbursing this month like we had been told, but instead in December 😱🤬 We spent every fucking day this week arguing with countless reps, and it turns out something went wrong on their end and her papers weren’t processed in time? They don’t even know, they’re investigating it now, but tbh, Idgaf bc we were really counting on that money arriving last week and now we’re fucking screwed. We’re already 2 months behind on bills, we can’t afford half of Mom’s medical supplies, and I’m not entirely sure the mortgage company won’t pursue foreclosure this month. So, for the last time, I am begging y’all for whatever help you can send! Please! 😭


The irony of having four (4!) giant trucks on a block bookended by two yellow handicap yield signs is just fucking rich and gross and disgusting I hate it here so much and honestly after yesterday I’m ready to just give up I’m so fucking tired of these ignorant entitled suburbanite assholes who are civil to your face but would let their neighbor drown if it meant they could look down on them 😤


My uncle tried to take my mask off 🤬 In my own fucking house, too!

This is gonna be a problem bc Mom and I rely on him and my aunt (actually family friends but Mom’s known her for decades so) to get to our local food pantry every month. I was too stunned to hit back with any kind of remark, I just shook my head and tried to step back, and luckily my aunt stepped in, but I cannot fucking tolerate that shit. THAT IS ASSAULT IN ANY OTHER CIRCUMSTANCE!

Idk what to do. I don’t wanna Uber to the pantry bc the location is kind of a busy, geographically tricky part of town. The pantry is open from 9 to 3 when everyone’s at work; my aunt and uncle are retired, so they have the time. And Mom doesn’t wanna rock the boat bc they’re helping us (a shitty way of thinking btw just bc they’re helping us doesn’t mean they can treat us any way they want).

If I suddenly stop asking them for help, they’ll def make a fuss, but if I say anything, it’s gonna be an even bigger fuss. I’m not inclined to think of this as one of three strikes, that’s too forgiving, but I’m in no position to alienate the very little help we get. I’ve got a month to figure this out.


Lately, I’ve been flashing our floodlight at everyone parking across from ramp, and yes it’s obnoxious but the notes weren’t working and the drivers were ignoring me whenever I confronted them in person, but it clearly wasn’t working on one guy in particular in a red Jeep, and because he comes from the household who sent us that condescending note about calling whenever they need to move, I just assumed he’d be an asshole about it, too…

But Idk what possessed me, an Asian woman, tonight to finally go out in the dark and talk to him, a very bald white man lol, because he never leaves his car immediately lol he literally sits there for an hour before going in, and I said, “Is there any way to convince you to stop parking across from our ramp?” And he said, “Yeah,” like maybe sarcastically? But I was so relieved he didn’t put up a fight that I just continued, “My mom’s in a wheelchair and the buses need the space to pull up close to the curb, I’m so sorry to ask, I know it’s really inconvenient.” And he said, “It’s not a problem.” 😱🥳 I kept apologizing, he said stop apologizing lol And he moved!

Tbh I’m not entirely sure he wasn’t being sarcastic, I recorded the whole interaction on my phone in case things went sideways lmao 💀 and Mom said he might’ve been sarcastic, but I’m just so relieved it didn’t devolve to yelling like with my other neighbors 🙄


Guess who cut up her hand by breaking the window on the back door bc banging on it was the only way her neighbors would know they’re blocking her driveway 🙋🏻‍♀️

Thankfully, the glass broke big, so I pulled away with surface scratches. Still a little worried bc it was an old, dirty window, but I don’t feel any shards and tbh I can’t afford a hospital visit anyway 💀

In case yall were wondering if Mom and I were still alive (barely lolol I hate our mortgage company).


Mom and I have less than $200 between us and need a little more to keep us afloat with bills and medical supplies while we wait for Dad’s pension to start disbursing. Please help us keep our lights and heating on!

Forgot to link my PayPal and Venmo ✌️

FIDELITY MADE A FUCKING CLERICAL ERROR, so now Dad’s pension won’t start disbursing this month like we had been told, but instead in December 😱🤬 We spent every fucking day this week arguing with countless reps, and it turns out something went wrong on their end and her papers weren’t processed in time? They don’t even know, they’re investigating it now, but tbh, Idgaf bc we were really counting on that money arriving last week and now we’re fucking screwed. We’re already 2 months behind on bills, we can’t afford half of Mom’s medical supplies, and I’m not entirely sure the mortgage company won’t pursue foreclosure this month. So, for the last time, I am begging y’all for whatever help you can send! Please! 😭


Mom and I have less than $200 between us and need a little more to keep us afloat with bills and medical supplies while we wait for Dad’s pension to start disbursing. Please help us keep our lights and heating on!

Forgot to link my PayPal and Venmo ✌️

FIDELITY MADE A FUCKING CLERICAL ERROR, so now Dad’s pension won’t start disbursing this month like we had been told, but instead in December 😱🤬 We spent every fucking day this week arguing with countless reps, and it turns out something went wrong on their end and her papers weren’t processed in time? They don’t even know, they’re investigating it now, but tbh, Idgaf bc we were really counting on that money arriving last week and now we’re fucking screwed. We’re already 2 months behind on bills, we can’t afford half of Mom’s medical supplies, and I’m not entirely sure the mortgage company won’t pursue foreclosure this month. So, for the last time, I am begging y’all for whatever help you can send! Please! 😭


I’m somehow less shocked than I was in 2016 but also more despondent. 2016 was a violent shock to my system. I cried the whole night. Now I just feel a deep unending ache in me. What an awful year.

I think also there was some minor comfort in 2016 knowing that he lost the popular vote. We could tell ourselves that We The People didn’t actually choose him.

The People spoke this time though and they decided that they don’t care that he is who he is they just want eggs to “cost less” and fewer immigrants by any means necessary, damn the repercussions.

I don’t know where we go from here.

I’m trying not to be fatalistic here but I do think that there is a reality check that is going to come within the next year that will change us all. This will not be like last time. This will be so very much worse.

In 2016 I was told by many people in my life that I was being hysterical for knowing in my bones that abortion was going to die after he won because that’s what he said he was going to do and you should believe fascists when they say what they’re going to do. God help us all if he does everything he’s said he’s going to do this time.

Last time he did, at least in retrospect, have a few people around him who believed in the American government and how it’s supposed to work. Last time he didn’t know how things worked and which levers to push. He does now. This time it’ll be exclusively people like JD Vance (evil), RFK jr (stupid), and Elon Musk (evil and stupid). The one saving grace will be that Trump is so tempestuous that none of them are likely to stay around for long. We can only hope their replacements are not even worse than them.

The second he’s in office Alito and Thomas are retiring from the Supreme Court and he’s installing two 35 year olds who make Kavanaugh look like Bernie Sanders. They’re going to overturn Obergefell and any number of other civil rights won over the decades.

He’s going to raze Gaza to the ground. All of it. Same with Ukraine. He might even break the nuclear taboo to do it.

He’s going to start rounding people up. He’s going to prosecute his “enemies”. He’s said he’s going to do it and I believe him. Protect yourself. Protect yourself.

I don’t know where we go from here. There is an evil in this country that has existed since its original sin. I had deluded myself into thinking at least a majority of us were trying to be better than that. I was wrong.


I know it’s easy to be fatalistic in the immediate aftermath, but I genuinely cannot imagine how tf Mom and I will survive the next four years stateside. I’m not even sure we’re gonna be housed for the rest of the year. If not for the obstacles caused by COVID and Mom’s disability, I would’ve pushed to move to the Philippines sooner - a decidedly more conservative country, but at least we wouldn’t have to face the racist shit that his administration will no doubt push. And the fucking people who voted for him that I’m forced to interact with in order to secure help for me and Mom! I really don’t know what’s gonna happen to us.

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