Finally caught up on Manifest, and...
1. Did I miss something? When did Olive and TJ break up?
2. Whoooo, Angelina really just kinda... Isn't coping well, huh?
3. On the other hand... Look, Olive's gut instinct was absolutely RIGHT about Angelina, which makes it seem okay, but that "We pity you" line seemed... Really uncalled for in context.
4. Beverly's connection with Zeke? Beverly knowing impossible things? I'm intrigued.
5. Way too little Drea involved.
6. Noah's Ark was a thing for like 3 episodes? Cool?
7. Every time anyone in Eureka talks like they're going to take the miracle-making business away from God, I have to wonder if they stopped reading the Bible at Noah's Ark, or what. Because I remember a certain Tower of Babel, where people who tried to put themselves on equal level with God had a Very Bad Day.
7.2. Literally anyone who has tried to make themselves equal with God, or recreate what God does but leave God out of it, has had a Very Bad Day.
8. Jared and Sarah are sweet, but that cannot end well.