!!! CleoJohn single parents AU?
Tiffany shrieks with laughter as John catches her, grabbing her around the waist and spinning her around. Troy watches from the sidelines, mouth agape, until John lets her go to run shrieking around the park again.
It makes Cleo's eyes water.
She loved Hannibal, truly, but he never wanted kids. She didn't realize how little he truly interacted with them until John started interacting with them. Where the children had to climb up onto Hannibal to get his attention, John approaches them, he gives them hair ruffles and candy and little compliments like it's nothing. He smiles at them, fond and gentle, and...
Oh, for how he treats her children, Cleo would marry him in an instant. But then he comes to her at the table and leans down to kiss her cheek and whisper a sweet nothing to her, and oh - her heart belongs to him, too, this wonderful man.