We Need All Voices in Comics (or, I Started the #FireRickRemender Twitter Tag and I’m Really Only Kind of Sorry About It)
I’d like to clear the air.
The past 96 hours have been some of the most stressful, anxious, and rewarding of my life. Wednesday evening, following my first read of Rick Remender’s Captain America #22, I posted a series of entries to my blog reiterating my distaste for his work, and my renewed (and long-held) belief that he should no longer be writing it. In my haste and anger, I asked other people who shared my opinion to tweet Marvel Comics, Rick Remender, and Captain America editor Tom Brevoort with their concerns, using the hashtag #FireRickRemender. And I’m sorry. I understand that the hashtag, and the arguments held under its banner, could have been (and were) seen as personal attacks. And for that, I apologize. I was coming from a place of upset, discomfort, disgust, and outrage, and I acted solely from that place. I am genuinely sorry for any personal affront my actions may have caused. What I am not sorry for is everything that came afterward.