did this morherfucker just make apples out of apples??
getting you getting you getting yu getting you getting yuo getting you getting u
I am become boop, the destroyer of worlds.
Reblogging for the Boopening.
boop ~(=^‥^)ノ✨
Boop PSA, for Mobile Users:
To Boop - either tap the boop button next to someone's name or go to their blog and tap the cat paw icon
To Super Boop - go to someone's blog and hold the cat paw icon until it spins once, then let go
To Evil Boop - go to someone's blog and hold the cat paw icon until it spins twice, then let go
Can't Boop - either you or the person you're trying to Boop hasn't opted in yet
To Opt In - go to your feed and you'll see the boop-o-meter and the option to opt in
I'll update this when I know how to get certain badges and such.
I went in the code again and saw the new Boop paws were vectors this time, so I converted them into some good sized pngs that are a little easier to work.
Save and share to boop your people later!
they are back
So I thought this was commonly known internet navigation (but apparently it might just be those of us who have been using the internet since the 90’s who still know it). Or so it seems based on… a grumpy comment I got.
When you see an arrow like this:
It means you click it to expand out a hidden section.
It’s an accordion section/menu! It’s useful in web design to hide information that may be overwhelming under specific headers so people can only see what they need.
Here I’m using it for people who need the content warnings to be able to check, but for those who don’t need them and don’t want to be spoiled to just move right past without accidentally reading anything.
It’s still the user’s responsibility to click the arrow and read things as they need! But it is all warned. (And, yes, the all encompassing issues are already a tag on the fic, I’m just providing additonal warnings per chapter.)
Ah, sorry yes! For those who want the html, it’s the details and summary tags!
Holy shit?? I didn’t know AO3 could do this. This is so useful!
Support for <details> was added about a year ago, and more people should definitely know about it!
They’re back!!
Love it when the internet seizes on something like this
a big world for a small duckling