Dear Costumers,
Please stop getting angry and yelling at the employees when they make a mistake. We are human, we make mistakes. When you yell at us, it makes us feel like shit, and most people will actually cry because you’re a fucking asshole. I’ve had costumers yell at me before and I’ve cried. You have no idea how you yelling can affect them. I have depression and anxiety. I tend to have a lot of panic/anxiety attacks over the smallest things because I get overly stressed easily. I also have a lot of mental breakdowns. So whenever I screw up and someone yells at me..I will break and cry..and I know I’m not the only one out there like this. You have no idea what people are going through. So don’t be a fucking dick and yell, just tell them politely that there was a mistake made, and you would like it fixed. It’s that easy..I’m so tired of being yelled at and seeing others being yelled at, honestly..learn to be nice to people