Grigoriy Shponko (Григорій Шпонько, Ukrainian, 1926-2005)
"Clearing snow", 1972
Grigoriy Shponko (Григорій Шпонько, Ukrainian, 1926-2005)
"Clearing snow", 1972
Spiro Kristo (Albanian, 1936-2011)
“The Steeplejacks”
Published in New Albania, May 1975
East German sculptor Fritz Cremer (b. Arnsberg 1906 - d. Berlin 1993)
Н. Полякова, Фриц Кремер (Москва: Издательство "Изобразительное искусство", 1972)
Willi Bredel, Fünfzig Tage und andere Erzählungen (Bucharest: Editura didactică și pedagogică, 1966)
A collection of short stories written by the pioneering East German socialist realist writer, republished in Romania for German learners
Illustrations by Teodor Bogoi
Sylvester Victor, “The Builders” (”Constructorii”), 1959
Photos by Albanian photo-reporter Niko Xhufka
From Ritme të jetës Shqiptare, 1976
“Forge in the Griviţa Roşie industrial plant”, and “Boiler room in the Griviţa Roşie industrial plant”
Geta Brătescu, woodcuts, 1962
via Camera Arhiva
Niko Progri, “News of the Morning” From New Albania vol. 5, 1977
Jules Perahim (Jewish-Romanian), “România muncitoare” (”Working Romania”), 1947
Jules Perahim (Jewish-Romanian), “Spiritul grevei” (”Spirit of the Strike”), 1963
Spread from Secolul 20 with a painting by Ion Bițan, Romania, 1964 (via
“Painting Pyongyang”, Choe Yong Sun, 2005
G. Odon (b. 1920, Mongolia), "Knitting"
Detail of “Më Tej” (”Beyond”) by Shaban Hysa, 1969
National Gallery of Art, Tirana (via afterart)
Arkady Plastov, 1955-57, State Art Museum of Kazakhstan
“Vjelsja e duhanit” (”Tobacco harvesting”) by Zef Shoshi, 1971
“5 Heronjtë e Vigut” by Shaban Hadëri (Albanian, 1928-2010)
This monument was located in the city centre of Shkodër, Albania, until 2008, when it was removed and placed in the Martyrs’ Cemetery. Since November 2014 it has stood on the outskirts of town.