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The poet Ludwig Derleth (German, 1870–1948) in an undated photograph.

This photo was sent by Derleth's widow, Christine, to Felix Maria Wiesner on on 29 July 1947, in a larger of packet of photographs.

Derleth's eternal preoccupation with Napoleon is evident from the poster in the background (one of many Napoleon portraits that he owned and usually liked to be photographed alongside).

From my personal collection.


Zvi Aldouby and representatives of the groups “Nitzanim” and “Dror” from the youth village in Santa Maria al Bagno, during the joint Sukkot celebration of the UNRRA DP camps in Lecce province, southern Italy, 1946.

Photo 23/1, private collection of Zvi Aldouby (Jerusalem, Israel)

Published in Verena Buser and Chiara Renzo, "Training for Aliyah: Young Jews in Hachsharot across Europe between the 1930s and late 1940s", Quest. Issues in Contemporary Jewish History 21, no. 1 (2022)


From top to bottom: the writers Demostene Botez, George Topîrceanu, Ioan Alexandru Brătescu-Voinești, Mihail Sadoveanu, and Ionel Teodoreanu, and the geologist Ion Simionescu (on the left, below Botez) in Iași, 1927

Published alongside the article "Misiunea scriitorului este de a alina suferințele altora", Porunca Vremii, 17 July 1938, 4.

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