Friday Five
1. ForEVER, we wanted the 4-year-old to use the potty. She wanted nothing to do with it. Suddenly, in the last week, she's decided she wants to go every few minutes. It's a game to her now. Be careful what you wish for, but hey, at least she's going. I just wish we could find a happy medium! Eventually, I suppose. 2. We're a week unto Summer break, buy it feels like the last day of school just happened. I hope the rest of the break doesn't go by this fast, but it probably will. 3. It's finally starting to look like we might actually be able to make the trip we have been planning for months - to see Bruno Mars play. Fingers crossed. I've been unsure if we'd actually get to go for various reasons. Here's hoping... Our seats are really, really good too. So, there's that. I do not want to miss him yet again. 4. Next week is when we go back to Disney for Star Wars Weekends. Can't wait! 5. The kids were invited to a friend's 6th birthday party tomorrow. They are supposed to wear bathing suits and have had theirs picked out for days. I'm kinda excited to watch them splash around. Plus, well...cake.