This survey was created by @towaniegaita . If you have any queries please contact me on Twitter. Inspired by the survey of MeseMoa. fans done as part of the fan community magazine Fil Me ( I decided to undertake a survey of just international fans. While recently MeseMoa. have become quite popular abroad and seen an increase in overseas activities, there are also many international fans who have been following them loyally for several years. I would like to learn more about all international fans and the role MeseMoa. plays in their lives. This survey is aimed at foreign fans, and at Japanese fans who are living abroad. Please do not answer the survey if you do not fit either of these categories. If you would prefer to answer this survey in Japanese, please use the link below.
もし日本語の方が分かりやすければ、こちらのリンクをチェックしてみてください: This survey should take no longer than 5-10 minutes. Please only answer ONCE using either the English version OR the Japanese version. All answers you give in this survey are anonymous.
Please answer honestly all questions that are relevant to you. Upon completing the survey I would be grateful if you could spread this to any other international fans you may know. This survey will stop taking responses on 6th July 2019. Sometime after then, an analysis of the results will be put on Twitter. If you are okay with all the above, please click the button to proceed.
Thank you for taking part!