#tog – @merinnan on Tumblr

Butterfly's Wings

@merinnan /

-- TANKIES AND OTHER PUTIN-APOLOGISTS WILL BE BLOCKED ON SIGHT --                              Forty-ish, chronically ill, autistic, grey-aro/ace agender bisexual (aka queer). Pronouns are any and all. Posting anything I find interesting in one big gremlin mess. Currently obsessed with Daomu Biji/The Lost Tomb & Zhen Hun/Guardian.

New writing rule: Checkov’s friend

If you introduce a named character with a relationship to a protagonist, their character arc must be resolved in a way that feels reasonable and satisfying

Which is to say: they can’t just dissappear when they’re no longer a convenient plot device

Thor’s Mum rule – If you’re going to kill a character who’s carried any part of the plot, take a bit to reimagine the plot as if she were the main character, and the story ends when she dies.  If it’s unsatisfying, rewrite either her plot points, or her death, to make both more meaningful.

Which is to say – don’t treat side characters as ammo with which to hurt your main guy.  ESPECIALLY if they’re women.

I’m reblogging because this second part is the best explanation of how I distinguish between fridged characters and other characters who just die.

And yes, it is intrinsically a bit subjective and that’s okay.


I like that Chekov’s Friend rule.

*eyes SJM and Nox Owen*


ToG Hogwarts Houses

Gryffindor: Nesryn, Borte, Chaol, Rowan, Aedion, Nehemia, Fenrys

Ravenclaw: Dorian, Ghislaine, Sartaq

Hufflepuff: Yrene, Elide, Evangeline, Sam, Kashin, Gavriel

Slytherin: Aelin, Manon, Lysandra, Hasar, Ansel, Asterin, Lorcan


Evangeline is clearly a Slytherin

I agree

ok but is she Slytherin or Gryffindor



Elide is also definitely Slytherin, she just pretends to be a Hufflepuff so that people will underestimate her. I mean, look at the shit she pulled in Morath, and when she and Lorcan were travelling to Eyllwe.

Yrene is totally a Ravenclaw. We’re talking about a woman who travelled halfway across the world in order to learn.

Sorscha was a Hufflepuff, as are Duva and Nox.

“You can go to hell. You can go to hell you lying bitch!”

— Friendly reminder that Aedion said this to Lysandra


Given that the context of Aedion saying this was that he’d just discovered that Lysandra and Aelin planned for Lysandra to spend her life pretending to be Aelin if Aelin died, and to use him to sire heirs with the 'right' physical appearance without actually asking if he consented to this, this was a completely valid response on his part - and that’s without getting into how heavily it’s been implied that Aedion is a sexual assault survivor. 

I mean, they didn't even plan to tell him (or Rowan) that Lys had 'replaced' Aelin. They just planned to do it, and to let the guys believe that they were sleeping with Aelin. Which is, in fact, rape. Like, there have been actual rape convictions in the real world in cases where people have consented to sex with one person, only to discover that that person was actually someone else pretending to be that person. 

We should not pretend that Aedion losing his temper and calling Lysandra a bitch is in any way equal to Aelin and Lysandra planning to have Lysandra rape him in order to conceive heirs for Terrasen. Not that I expect the narrative will ever properly address this, as I’m pretty sure that Maas doesn’t actually realise these particular connotations/consequences of Aelin and Lysandra’s oh-so-clever little plan.


Unpopular opinions

I love Chaol Westfall and want him to be happy.

I love Aedion Ashryver and want him to be happy.

I love Nesta Archeron and want her to be happy.

I love Lucien Vanserra and want him to be happy.

I love all the protagonist characters and want them to be happy. Especially the ones who are prickly, who’ve pushed their friends away because they were so wrapped up in struggling to cope, who are still in the process of working through their PTSD, or who are otherwise ‘unlovable’.


Is it just me

Or does anyone else not giggle at the fact that Chaol Westfall took a Queen’s virtue. I want to laugh and simultaneously give him a high five. What a hero.

If he slept with Nesryn, he took an Empress’ virtue too.

Ah, but was Nesryn a virgin when they first got together? This is unclear but I’m more inclined to the “no” side. However, yes. He still hit it with a future empress so, still a hero.

chaol believes he has no trace of magic…but his dick seems pretty magical to me.

I legitimately fell out of my chair. My coworker was sitting beside me. I have a witness. Fell. Out. Of. My. Chair.

I think we can all agree that all the males in sjm books have magical dicks js

Velvet wrapped steel

Im crying omg this is wonderful


To be honest, the best way for a female in ToG to get (or reclaim) a title is to fuck Chaol Westfall. I mean, it’s three for three so far: 

  • Celaena, assassin trying to ignore who she really is --> fucks Chaol --> Aelin Fireheart, Queen of Terrasen. 
  • Nesryn Faliq, city guard --> fucks Chaol --> future Grand Empress. 
  • Yrene Towers, healer, ex-barmaid, ex-farmgirl --> fucks Chaol --> Lady Yrene Westfall.

Chaol will know

So a while ago I saw a post saying that Darrow will discover Lysandra isn’t Aelin by the tattoo on her wrist (which is an amazing theory and better happen in the books)

But I just finished tower of dawn (yeah, it took me a while whatever) and I realized something that I haven’t seen people talking about (I mean maybe I’m just not tuned into fandom but…)

Chaol is returning with a trunk full of book and scrolls written with wyrdmarks, a language aelin can read. A language aelin can read, but Lysandra cannot.

Chaol will take one look at aelin-lysandras confused face and he’ll know


It won’t even get that far. Chaol will know she isn’t really Aelin the moment that she doesn’t recognise Yrene.


Piece of media: here’s a female assassin

Me: nice

Piece of media: she kills her marks by seducing them and-

Me: *already asleep*


And then there’s Throne of Glass’ Celaena Sardothien, who kills her marks like any other top-notch fantasy genre assassin - she breaks in and stabs them. Or shoots them from a ridiculous distance away. Or any other number of ways of brutal death, none of which involve her seducing anyone.

And she doesn’t have to sacrifice her femininity to her (author’s) internalised (or not so much) misogyny, either.


i feel like elide is SUPER underrated. like do you ever think about what a damn badass she is? first of all, she befriended the scariest witch to ever exist. second, she’s held onto to dark power magic and it works in her favor. third, SHE LIED TO AN ILKEN AND GOT AWAY. she straight up acted like she was better than the ilken and the ilken was like “oh shit gtg.” ???? lastly, this line: “Lorcan followed Elide inside the tavern, some part of him admitting that for all his five hundred years of surviving and killing and serving, he’d never quite encountered someone so…unimpressed with him. Even gods-damned Aelin had some sense of the threat he possessed.” she looks at Lorcan, who’s power is Death and is kinda like “…and?” 

what a queen.

I 1,000% agree she literally tamed Lorcan, a 500 year old demi fae and made him do exactly what she wanted,,, also Elorcan is life


And don’t forget that a goddess has literally interceded on Elide’s behalf before, when Anneith was whispering to Manon to hurry and run to rescue Elide in Morath. IIRC, only Aelin - and possibly Yrene, though I need to reread ToD to double-check - have also had a deity directly intercede.


Throne of Glass + Titles

Manon: Manon Blackbeak, The Last Crochan Queen. The Blackbeak Heir. Wingleader.

Dorian: Dorian Havilliard, The King of Adarlan. 

Chaol: Chaol Westfall, The Hand of the King.

Yrene: Yrene Towers Westfall, Silba’s Heir.

Lysandra: Lysandra, Lady of Caraverre.

Aedion: Aedion Ashryver, Prince of Wendlyn. General of the Bane. 

Sartaq: Sartaq, Prince and Heir of the Khaganate Empire. The Winged Prince.

Nesryn: Nesryn Faliq, Captain of the Guard.

Elide: Elide Lochan, Lady of Perranth.

Rowan: Rowan Whitethorn Galathynius, The King of Terrasen. Rightful King of Doranelle. King of the Fae. Buzzard. (lets be honest, Aelin would definitely add that last part in)

And saved the best for last: 

Aelin: Aelin Ashryver Galathynius, The Queen of Terrasen. Adarlan’s Assassin, the King’s Champion. Witch Killer. Heir of Fire. Heir of Ash. Heir of Terrasen. Heir of Brannon. Heir of Mala Fire-Bringer. The Queen Who Was Promised.


Also Wolf of the North for Aedion.

And Territorial Fae Bastard for both Rowan and Aedion. Because we all know that Aelin would totally tack that on.


Guys my dash has been dead af for months, and i didn’t really care before but since now with the 100 back i am offcially active again in this hell hole i need new people to follow! So please reblog/like this post and put on the tags if you post about:

  • The 100 bellarke
  • Skam
  • Brooklyn Nine Nine
  • The Good Place
  • Lucifer
  • YA books (aftg/trc/acotar/pjo/soc/hp)

Honestly i’m here for most things, i’m open to everything lmao 

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