#heihua – @merinnan on Tumblr

Butterfly's Wings

@merinnan /

-- TANKIES AND OTHER PUTIN-APOLOGISTS WILL BE BLOCKED ON SIGHT --                              Forty-ish, chronically ill, autistic, grey-aro/ace agender bisexual (aka queer). Pronouns are any and all. Posting anything I find interesting in one big gremlin mess. Currently obsessed with Daomu Biji/The Lost Tomb & Zhen Hun/Guardian.

I’ve officially decided my favorite relationship trope is “at first I was perpetually bothered by your mere existence but somewhere along the way you became my best friend and oh yeah I’m also in love with you.” Nothing else matters.


I would like to put forward ‘you are the most annoying person in the world and at first I hated you because of that. Then I got to know you and we went through shit together and now I would literally die for you because you are my love and my light and the only reason I’m even still on this godforsaken hellhole of a planet BUT YOU ARE STILL THE MOST ANNOYING PERSON IN THE WORLD AND MY LOVE IS BARELY RESTRAINING ME FROM HITTING YOU WITH A CHAIR’ as my favourite variant of this. 


First base is violence second base is convoluted codependence third base is applying pressure to the vulnerable parts of their body to keep their entrails from spilling out


the "i definitely do NOT have feelings for them in any way shape or form" while obviously crushing on them trope might be cliché to you. it's about being doomed from the start, the desperate denial of the starved self, the tragic inevitably of love to me tho

"i'm not in love with them" oh, honey. you are already so ruined. you have been ruined from the moment you met, and you will be ruined long after you part. your attempts to hide are futile. you cannot escape that which is everywhere and everything. love as a punishment, love as a death sentence. love as god.


love when a dynamic is like. this would be deeply toxic for anyone else but considering the people involved this is actually far and away the healthiest option

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