@annieobriengonzales' #MatthewsTakeover: Work in progress--first layer. #behindthescenes #lifeofanartist #artalive #artistprocess #artworld #inthestudio #artstudio #floral #flowers #painter #painting #oiloncanvas #easel #anniegram #santafe #santafenm #canyonroad #canyongram #simplysantafe #howtosantafe #nmtrue #newmexico #newmexicogram #instaart #artgram (at Upper Canyon Road)
@annieobriengonzales' #MatthewsTakeover: Studio walk-through on a typical busy day. #art #artist #lifeofanartist #inthestudio #artstudio #artworld #artengage #artalive #springtime #color #painting #painter #artengage #instaart #artgram #artvideos #santafe #santafenm #simplysantafe #howtosantafe #nmtrue #newmexico #newmexicogram #newmexicolove #newmexicoigers #landofenchantment #okeeffecountry #canyonroad #canyongram (at Upper Canyon Road)
@annieobriengonzales' #MatthewsTakeover: Studio tools-- messy is a good thing! #art #artist #lifeofanartist #painter #painting #howtosantafe #simplysantafe #artworld #artengage #artalive #behindthescenes #inthestudio #instaart #artgram #artstudio #santafe #santafenm #canyonroad #canyongram #newmexico #nmtrue #newmexicogram #newmexicolove #newmexicoigers #purenm (at Upper Canyon Road)
Over the past few months, New Mexico sculptor Frank Morbillo has sent us images and notes from his studio as one artwork takes shape. Follow his process on the blog today- www.matthewsgalleryblog.com #art #artist #lifeofanartist #artstudio #artgallery #gallerylife #sculpt #sculpture #instaart #artgram #instaarthub #artworld #artblog #artengage #artalive #behindthescenes #santafe #santafenm #simplysantafe #howtosantafe #santafenewmexico #canyonroad #canyongram #newmexico #newmexicotrue #newmexicogram #newmexicoigers #newmexicolove (at Matthews Gallery)
Flashback! We snapped this shot on a visit to Jamie Chase's studio. An artist among his works! #art #lifeofanartist #artalive #artbeat #artworld #artstudio #painter #painting #paintings (at Matthews Gallery)