mathsbian reblogged
Vader’s pun in Rogue One felt like A Bit Much. Then I remembered the novelization of RotS and one of the newly minted Vader’s first scenes. The entire time he’s slaughtering the surviving Separatist leaders, the dialogue is peppered with things like this:
“Please, I’ll give you anything. Anything you want!” The blade flashed twice; Tambor’s arms fell to the floor, followed by his head. “Thank you.”
And this unbelievable gold:
“We were promised a reward,” she gasped. “A h-h-handsome reward-” “I am your reward,” the Sith Lord said. “You don’t find me handsome?”
And perhaps my favorite, because please:
“The war is over- Lord Sidious promised- he promised we would be left in peace…” “His transmission was garbled.” The blade came up. “He promised you would be left in pieces.”