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Morose Delectation

@masterofintrigue /

Intrigue. Agender. Not entirely sure of my sexual orientation, but I have a strong preference for fellas. 23. Artist. Plays a lot of games. Loves, love villains a whole lot. Likely to see Mad Max, Star Wars, tons of video game stuff, and general weird things. I love glitches. Favourite game is Fallout: New Vegas, in which I have clocked well over 3k hours.

Eastern towhee singing its’ little ♥️ out yesterday at Warbler Wood. I got absolutely soaked with rain, but saw some good birds. My first-of-year sighting. #birds #birdwatching #towhee #torontobirds #birding (at Tommy Thompson Park)


I just can’t believe it would ever happen. Every gov’t is usually so kicked against LGBTQ community. And these beautiful people just SLAYED.

This makes the whole world proud.


of all the terrible shit going on in the world i’m happy to have seen this happening in India… ;]


its weird that mostly all vegetarians and vegans only wanna fight for animals but not the underpaid/overworked people that pick their $15 organic grapes from Whole Foods in the sweltering sun for 15 hours at a time 

it’s weird that non-vegans assume that all vegans can afford to buy food from Whole Foods??  And completely erase vegans on Food Stamps and poor vegans and homeless vegans??  

And never want to talk about the fact that non-vegans themselves ALSO eat produce??  More actually from an agricultural standpoint??

And non-vegans only want to bring up this (faux) concern for underpaid/overworked people when vegans try to fight animal abuse??

Where are the non-vegans concerned about the underprivileged (often undocumented) immigrants working in slaughterhouses??  Where they’re expected to murder hundreds of animals per hour??  Without a break?? 

Where are the non-vegans concerned about the fact that they can be paid less than minimum wage and denied compensation for injuries??  Where are the non-vegans concerned about the fact that these people die from preventable injuries because of how grueling and fast-paced their work is??  Where are the non-vegans concerned about the fact that these workers cannot report their injuries because they risk dismissal or deportation??   And are threatened with such?? 

Where are the non-vegans concerned about the effects of such a traumatic environment??  Why do I only hear about underpaid/overworked people when someone tries to fight against animal abuse??

My guess is because you don’t actually care about these workers as much as you claim to. 

What are you doing for these workers??  Are you actively boycotting Whole Foods??  Or grapes??  Or other produce??  Do you buy local??  Do you make sure all the produce you eat is ethically sourced?? Or do you eat the same damn grapes but still insist it’s the vegans who are selfish??

What this boils down to (and what these arguments ALWAYS boil down to) is “I don’t want to go vegan/vegetarian.”  And the argument posed is the one where you try to shift the guilt away from yourself and insinuate that vegans/vegetarians are still devoid of moral compass despite the fact that we actively boycott an industry that exploits the same demographic you claim to care so much about.

If you want to fight for agricultural workers, please, by all means do so.  But don’t only “fight” for them when it’s convenient.  Don’t feign concern for them just to try to shut up vegans/vegetarians.  It’s offensive and too transparent.

Lmao at posts like this “calling out” vegans having fucking 100,000 notes but when we show them that the exact same kind of things happen in the production of animal products it struggles to get past 3,000 notes.

like they full on just go


👏👏👏👏👏 literally my new favorite post. So tired of hearing this argument constantly.

Anonymous asked:

I get that you love yourself and I'm not here to spread hate because I wish I had your confidence but it's not okay for people to think that being overweight is okay I'm not saying that you have to be skinny to be pretty because you're already pretty but it's for your health not looks.

it’s totally okay for people to think being overweight is okay and more importantly it’s totally not okay that you think we should care about what you think about our bodies. 

so please stop thinking you’re helping or doing good when really you’re no better than a rock throwing bully only difference is your words are your rocks and they land in someones soul instead of on their face. 

Anonymous asked:

Okay, putting a flower crown on serial killers harms absolutely nobody. When was the last time someone was actually injured by a serial killer, the 50s? Sorry if you think this is a trend, but putting a circlet of flowers on top of a real human being that drove a 5 inch steel knife into an innocent persons beating heart can be qualified as self expression. Learn it. PS. I play reaper in overwatch and talk like solid snake when Im on the phone. I could hack the stock market if I needed to. Bye

i cant decide what my favorite line of this is


Seriously though, I know a lot of my mutuals and shit are all about that #Resistance right now, and good glad to see people start giving a shit, but please for the love of all that is holy do not reblog from Antifa sources. A lot of them are pro communist and thats not even mentioning a lot of the unnecessary, unwarranted violence they’ve been purporting on others ( no, not just supposed nazis)

Please actually look into these groups before you align yourselves with them.


Have fun with that Communist revolution then

That fallacy doesn’t even apply here. But again, have fun

Antifa means anti first amendment.

It means you’re against free speech because now you can be “under attack” by a conservative’s words. But they think that beating elderly men on the ground and pepper spraying them in the face is okay, because those elderly men are clearly all murderous, dangerous, evil nazis.


did u just say that being against fascism means ur against freedom of speech…. tf kinda neo-nazi “alt-right” claim is that

also any antifa that are pro-fascist communist leaders are hypocrites, but being pro-communism isn’t inherently bad lol

Antifa= AntiFA. FA refers to first amendment. These people are against freedom of speech and civil discourse on campuses and are renowned for beating elderly men on the ground, and getting hit with sticks.

False. “Antifaschistische Aktion, Antifascistische Aktie, Antifascist Action or Antifascistisk Aktion — abbreviated as Antifa (German/Dutch/English) or AFA (Scandinavian) — is a far-left, extra-parliamentary, anti-fascist network in Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Norway and United States of America” Antifa=anti-fa. Fa is short for fascism. Oh and “renowned” dude. you’re talking about that one video of people beating a dude up bc he’s supposedly a trump supporter, I’m assuming. how are u gonna associate that with every antifa person and claim an entire group of people is somehow responsible? might as well say conservatives can’t be trusted and then mention examples of shit neo-nazis have done.

Antifa targets libertarians, and most of the alt right are libertarians. Trump and Pence have been moving in favor of States Rights rather than emphasizing federal power. And yet you keep calling them fascists.

Antifascist aktion are all either communists or anarchists and they commit mass riots. They are all anti free speech, see the Berkeley and NY riots. Fascism doesn’t exist in any form of government today and communism does. Communism is also responsible for 90 million *more* deaths than any fascist or Nazi genocides. You’re also the people who came up with the idea that it was okay to punch people in the face that you disagree with…

Until of course you do that, and get hit in the head with a stick.

Also, I find it fitting to quote Lenin that “if they are any more right wing than communists, they may as well be fascists”. So maybe you’re right, you just define anyone who isn’t a communist as being a fascist.

“most of the alt right are libertarians” I stopped reading after that. Most of the alt-right are fucking nazis. you’re such a liar. Once again, very easy to show that you’re wrong: “Alt-right beliefs have been described as white supremacist, frequently overlapping with antisemitism and Neo-Nazism, nativism and Islamophobia, antifeminism and homophobia, white nationalism, right-wing populism, and the neoreactionary movement. The concept has further been associated with multiple groups from American nationalists, neo-monarchists, men’s rights advocates, and the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump.” Not surprised a person that associates with a group comprising of neo-nazis and white “nationalists” would think that being against fascism is being against the holy first amendment.

Also amazing how u made Pence out to be some dude fighting for freedom. The dude has been fighting against several people’s well-being, even going as far as arguing that conversion “therapy” should be accepted as a treatment for people that have internalised homophobia. Even though conversion “therapy” kills and destroys LGBT people because of how traumatising and undoable it is. Donald Trump is the same. Freedom of religion is one of the reasons America was a place people ran away to, and seeing as how he’s prioritising Christian values and using that to create laws while also limiting Muslims on the basis of their religion and nationality, he’s going against one of US’ core values.

Donald Trump has actually done literally nothing to the LGBT community. Also, Donald Trump has limited the freedom afforded to Muslim NON-CITIZENS, arriving from countries that directly sponsor state terrorism.

You can frequently describe anything you don’t like as being Nazism, the truth of the matter is while you accuse bisexual crossdressers like myself, or homosexual Jews like Milo Yiannopolis of being “nazis”, you’ve become just that. NAZIS.

Ironically antifascists aren’t opposed to the methods of fascists. I.E.: finding a group name to demean people. Which you’ve done, by labeling, mainly homosexuals, Jews, and women that are all conservative as “nazis”.

weird, Saudi wasn’t one of the countries when it’s like.. the #1 country that “directly sponsors state terrorism”… but Syria which is in a civil war, whose government has been attempting to fight terrorism and has been secular consistently, is somehow a massive threat. Weird, the people who are from “countries that directly sponsors state terrorism” all just, coincidentally, happen to be countries that America has bombed and attacked and gone to war with recently. Hm. Interesting. Also it’s still unconstitutional banning people from entering your country on the basis of their religion. That’s going against the whole, yknow, freedom of religion idea. Bc clearly America doesn’t believe in that if it also simultaneously believes all foreigners from a certain religion should be banned lmao. If any Muslim country were to ban Christians from entering, people would be JUSTIFIABLY angry and upset about it. But America? Nah that’s fine, they can discriminate on the basis of religion, because out of the countless mass murders and attacks, there were a couple perpetuated by a c Muslims!

Also hmm.. weird… did I say anything about Donald trump doing anything to the LGBT community? I suppose I should be clearer. “The dude has been fighting against several people’s well-being,” that’s what Donald Trump and Pence have in common.

“You can frequently describe anything you don’t like as being Nazism, the truth of the matter is while you accuse bisexual crossdressers like myself, or homosexual Jews like Milo Yiannopolis of being “nazis”, you’ve become just that. NAZIS. ”

A dude that supports the alt-right and considers himself alt-right, a group that is almost exclusively just neo-nazis, being called a nazi? Oh gosh how unbelievable. A dude who wrote an entire book, with parts of it directly saying Jewish people should be killed off, being called a nazi? Oh gosh how unbelievable. A brown & black muslim lesbian that calls a liar out on his bullshit? Definitely a nazi.

Also lol the alt-right isn’t “mainly homosexuals, Jews, and women that are all conservatives”. It’s like you can’t make actual arguments, you can only lie and provide rhetoric. Come back when u have an actual argument, nazi. If you defend nazis and associate with them and defend them, you might as well accept being viewed as one of them.

- a dark-skinned ~homosexual~ muslim woman of colour, because being a part of minority groups somehow determines whether or not a person is a nazi, apparently.

Edit: also I’m Shi'i u absolute wanker. We’re still Muslim. Whatever shit you do to Sunnis, who r apparently the Real Muslims, affects us. Because we are Muslim as well. And I like how you completely ignored the fact that most terrorism coming from Sunni Muslims is directed at Shi'i MUSLIMS. Not YOU.

Breitbart staff consists mostly of Jewish writers. Alex Jones is jewish. Milo Yiannopolis? He’s Jewish. Ben Shapiro? He’s Jewish. They’re alt right. Trump? Alt right. You keep calling people that are alt right conservatives and libertarians “nazis”. I guess free market capitalists are nazis too?

You do understand that the term nazi is short for National *Socialist*, right?

And oh by the way, you’re the one trying to insinuate some sort of Muslim Privilege here. Racist.

Holy -shit,- I’ve met a long list of people in this world that had absolutely no fucking idea what they were talking about, but you take the cake! Congratulations!

There is WAY too much to disassemble for me here - not like this’ll make any difference since you’ve convinced yourself that being a hateful, prejudiced piece of shit is somehow justified.

“Donald Trump has actually done literally nothing to the LGBT community.” Except leave their rights for ‘states to decide.’ What does that sound like? lmao 

“um sorry if you call nazis nazis you’re the real nazi”

Alex Jones is absolutely NOT Jewish - his wife and kids, yeah, but I mean. He literally spends a massive chunk of his career talking about how the mean ol’ evil Jews have taken over everything, lmfao. 

“His father, David Jones, is a dentist and his mother is a homemaker.[19] In his video podcasts, he reports he is of Irish,[31] German, Welsh, mostly English, and partially Native American descent. “


“Yiannopoulos was born and raised in Kent in southern England.[11][12] His father is of half Greek and half Irish descent, while his mother is British. .... A practising Catholic, Yiannopoulos states he has Jewish ancestry on his maternal grandmother's side,[20][21] which has put him at odds with neo-Nazi adherents in the alt-right.[22]

So, what you mean is, “his grandmother maternally was jewish so it’s okay when he’s a huge racist and white nationalis :) totally doesn’t count as a nazi guys ”

Shapiro is Jewish - but, admittedly, I know less of him than the other two. But guess what? You can be a member of a minority and still be a disgusting prejudiced piece of shit against minority people (including your own!)

Holy shit, what circles are you hanging out where you think that’s what the alt-right is made of?? WOW. It’s funny, because the vast majority of the alt-right actively chases those people out, lmfao!!! Even the basic terminology they use is steeped in racism. 

Here’s a cool life tip: if you insist that your ideology and that you are not Nazi-esque, maybe stop putting Nazis in position of power and palling around with fucking Nazis all of the goddamn time. You have the endorsement of the KKK, too, so I mean. That’s just as good!

I find it hard to believe that anyone is so deluded - or so very, very dumb. Except for, what a coincidence, Nazis! Gee golly. You’re certainly not a Nazi, no sir, you just love to defend them and try to make them look like even just ‘alright’ human beings on the interwebs.

There’s so much of the comment thread above someone needs to unpack - your arguments are incomprehensible at best, downright disgusting and blatantly incorrect at worst.

tl:dr; You’re deluded. Fuck off. Go chew on some aluminum foil.

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