Y'know, there's no evidence to suggest Dracula wasn't like. Bottom of his class at Wizard School. Stoker says he tried his hand at all branches of black magic but he didn't say he was *good* at it "He dared even to attend the Scholomance, and there was no branch of knowledge of his time that he did not essay" So. Maybe wolves is the only spell he's got.
Very true. In fact, it doesn't even say that he graduated.
Maybe he just sucked at everything not wolf-related.
Okay so. Someone correct me if I'm remembering this wrong. But the Thing about the Scholomance, the reason it's the Wizard School that gets the capital W and S, the reason it has all this incredible magical power and forbidden knowledge to impart to its students in the first place, is that it has a deal where 'the devil take the hindmost' - the last student in each year's class is made a sacrifice to the devil.
The first time I encountered this, I was led to believe it literally meant, like, on the last day of your last semester, you had to beat feet out of the building, because last one out was a rotten egg dragged alive into Hell to be tormented for eternity.
But! There is no reason to believe, as far as I know, that the 'last' student couldn't mean the one who came in the bottom of the class.
The word 'dracul', from which Dracula takes his name, iirc, can mean either 'dragon' or 'devil'. And the novel Dracula tells us that his is a damned soul, doomed to wander the earth in a cursed, bloodthirsty existence until somebody lops his head off with a shovel or pushes him into an exploding volcano or makes extensive, nonsensical corn metaphors at him until he's bored to death. He exists to spread evil throughout the world, but he himself is also, as per Mina, suffering an eternity of torment in damnation. Which is to say, he's already property of the devil.
All of which is to say. Dracula was absolutely at the bottom of his Scholomance class, and 'wolves' is absolutely the one spell that he did manage to perfect and is so proud of that he has to show it off at every opportunity.