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malevolent statistics


ever wanted to know just how many times john says arthur's name per episode? run by @noxcorvorum

Hello fellow Malevolent fans!

I'm Nox (they/them) of @noxcorvorum bringing you strange and interesting statistics from our beloved eldritch podcast.

I'm planning to post for each episode with its statistics as well as posts for stat averages per season and overall.

Requests for new stats in specific episodes are welcome!

The current list of stats being tracked is:

  • Arthur, John, and Other "Jesus" counters
  • Arthur and John saying each other's names
  • You Call It Madness and Faroe's Song counters
  • Arthur falling from height
  • Arthur bleeding heavily/bleeding out
  • Arthur, John, and Other swear counters
  • Miles to go before they sleep

And some goofier ones (these may not be present in every post):

  • "Your other [direction]" counter
  • cans of peaches
  • someone introducing themselves as a friend counter
  • episodes from Arthur's pov
  • Arthur calling someone a good boy counter
  • Kayne giving people nicknames

List of tags:

  • #malevolent stats
  • #not stats
  • #nox talks
  • #malevolent
  • #malevolent podcast
  • #arthur lester
  • #john doe malevolent
  • #stat suggestion
  • each episode post will be tagged with its number (malevolent 1, malevolent 25, etc) or name (malevolent intermezzo, malevolent coda, etc)
  • I think I'm going to start tagging spoilers once I hit season 2 (episode 13), but this is subject to change

Malevolent Statistics: Episode 4

Arthur said "Jesus" 3 times!

John said "Jesus" 0 times!

Kellin said "Jesus" 4 times!

Arthur said John's name 0 times!

John said Arthur's name 82 times!

(yes, you read that right)

You Call It Madness played 1 time!

(well. Arthur sung it and fucked up the lyrics)

Faroe's Song played 0 times!

Arthur fell from height 0 times!

Arthur bled heavily 1 time!

Arthur swore 14 times!

John swore 11 times!

(Arthur's being a bad influence)

Kellin swore 4 times!

"This too shall pass" was said 1 time!

They have 0 miles to go before they sleep!

John corrected Arthur's direction 3 times!


Just wanted to say you're doing hard but honest work harvesting these stats and I respect the dedication 🫡 absolutely comical seeing how often john says arthur's name numerically


thank you 🫡 dw john says arthur's name an EGREGIOUS amount of times in upcoming episodes, hes not stopping anytime soon

im gonna make some graphs at some point, bc yall need to visually see just how many times he says arthur's name, its SO MANY even compared to arthur's swear count lol


Oh wow, John is consistently saying Arthur's name, like, close to as many times as there are minutes in a typical episode (so far). Why does he need to say Arthur's name that much. Why is he like this. What's wrong with him (/affectionate)


its like a vocal stim for him lmao, and i havent even gotten to the most egregious episode yet... (part 4)

i only have the data from the first half of the episodes, but i counted the most in episodes 4, 5, and 12 so far


Malevolent Statistics: Episode 3

Arthur said "Jesus" 7 times!

John said "Jesus" 0 times!

Other characters said "Jesus" 0 times!

Arthur said John's name 0 times!

John said Arthur's name 38 times!

You Call It Madness played 1 time!

Faroe's Song played 0 times!

Arthur fell from height 1 time!

Arthur bled heavily 0 times!

(the Situations commence!)

Arthur swore 22 times!

John swore 2 times!

Other characters swore 0 times!

(you'll catch up bud)

"This too shall pass" was said 0 times!

They have 0 miles to go before they sleep!

(so no poetic references?)


Malevolent Statistics: Episode 2

Arthur said "Jesus" 1 time!

John said "Jesus" 0 times!

Other characters said "Jesus" 0 times!

Arthur said John's name 0 times!

John said Arthur's name 49 times!

(John is still nameless...)

You Call It Madness played 1 time!

Faroe's Song played 0 times!

Arthur fell from height 0 times!

Arthur bled heavily 0 times!

(still no situations... shame)

Arthur swore 18 times!

John swore 0 times!

Eddie swore 5 times!

(John, you gotta get in on that, man)

"This too shall pass" was said 0 times!

They have 0 miles to go before they sleep!


Malevolent Statistics: Episode 1

(so it begins...)

Arthur said "Jesus" 1 time!

John said "Jesus" 0 times!

Other characters said "Jesus" 0 times!

Arthur said John's name 0 times!

John said Arthur's name 45 times!

(John doesn't actually have a name at the moment... he sure likes saying Arthur's though)

You Call It Madness played 2 times!

Faroe's Song played 2 times!

(Arthur's banging out the tunes)

Arthur fell from height 0 times!

Arthur bled heavily 0 times!

(he'll be in Situations soon enough)

Arthur swore 4 times!

John swore 4 times!

Eddie swore 1 time!


"This too shall pass" was said 0 times!

They have 0 miles to go before they sleep!

John corrected Arthur's direction 2 times!

1 person introduced themself as a friend!

There were 0 cans of peaches!

There was 1 episode from Arthur's pov!

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