Last week I wasn’t very invested in posting to social media. Sometimes it just drains all of my creativity away, which I find annoying and stressful. I have to occasionally remind myself that social media isn’t my job, and that I have zero obligations to post anything. So, I ended up taking a mini hiatus, as well as seriously considering taking a longer one in the future. Just to revamp, collect myself, and pour more of my focus into my projects, not the presentation of a finished project.
This week isn’t starting off much better, mostly due to personal health problems (does anyone else out there in their twenties feel like their body is just falling apart?) I have taken to chilling on my bed, studiously working on my cross stitch, joined in by my little helper Ein. He can always make me feel better, no matter how terrible I feel.
So here is to a week that will hopefully turn around. To not letting your life be dictated by social media. And to maybe feeling good enough to go outside and enjoy some sun!