Alberto Palacio’s Design for a Colossal Monument at the Chicago World’s Fair in memory of Christopher Columbus, Scientific American magazine, 1890.
#1890#Scientific American#Chicago World’s Fair#Colossal Monuments#engraving#Alberto Palacio#In Memory of Christopher Columbus#M. Palacio’s Design for a Colossal Monument in Memory of Christopher Columbus#MagicTransistor#Public Domain Review#Scientific American magazine#art#Spanish architects#Open Knowledge Foundation#1893 World's Fair
Kitab al-Bulhan. Book of Wonders. 1300s.
The Kitab al-Bulhan, or Book of Wonders, is an Arabic manuscript dating mainly from the late 14th century A.D. and probably bound together in Baghdad during the reign of Jalayirid Sultan Ahmad (1382-1410). The manuscript is made up of astrological, astronomical and geomantic texts compiled by Abd al-Hasan Al-Isfahani, as well as a dedicated section of full-page illustrations, with each plate titled with “A discourse on….”, followed by the subject of the discourse (a folktale, a sign of the zodiac, a prophet, etc). -Oxford Library