Russell Lee. Mays Avenue camp, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 1939.
Roy DeCarava. Child Playing at Curb, Eighth Avenue, Harlem, NYC, 1952.
Willy Ronis. Vieux-Port, Marseille, 1963.
Graham Smith. Easington, County Durham. 1976.
Helen Levitt. New York City. 1940.
Todd Webb. Broadway at Wall Street, New York City, 1959.
Ormond Gigli. Girls in the Windows, New York City, 1960.
Brassaï. 81, Rue du Faubourg St-Jacques, Paris, c. 1931.
George Tice. Industrial Landscape, Kearny, New Jersey, 1973.
Sirkka-Liisa Konttinen. Kendal Street (Byker), Newcastle upon Tyne, England, 1969.
Martha Cooper. Untitled photograph from Street Play Series, Lower East Side, New York City, c.1978.
Bruce Davidson. In front of Atena's Bodega. East 100th Street series, New York City, 1966.
Philip-Lorca diCorcia. New York City. 1997.