Venus Figurines from the European Paleolithic Era; c. 25,000-40,000 BCE. Venus of Dolní Věstonice, Venus of Kostenki, Venus of Kostenki (Rear), Venus of Willendorf and The Venus of Hohle Fels. (top to bottom)
#Venus#Paleolithic#Stone Age#Die Venus vom Hohle Fels#BC#Classical Art#Female Figurine#MagicTransistor#Girls#Women#Mothers#Creation#Sculpting#Talisman#Magical#Feminine#Female#Female Power#Figurine#Magic Item#Venuses#Venus of Willendorf#Austria#Nude Woman#Nude Women#Limestone#28000-25000 BCE#Venus Figurines of the European Paleolithic Era#Venus of Dolní Věstonice#The Mother Goddess