François-Marie Rosset, Femmes Turcs turques de Serquin, leur manière de faire leur pain - Syrie, 1789.
Abdullah Biraderler (Abdullah Fréres), Bashi-Bazouks (Turkish infrantrymen), Bayazid district, Istambul, 1888.
Çanak-Kale Boğazı, Türkiye, ca. 1915.
Melchior Lorck, Portrait of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent (Woodcut engraving); Istambul (Constantinople), Turkey, c. 1559. خواجه معمار سنان آغا
Seyyid Loqman Ashuri. Zubdat al-Tawarikh. 1580.
An Ottoman survey of world history that shows, from the centre: the ancient planets (the Moon with a mirror; Mercury as a scribe; Venus with a dulcimer; a haloed Sun; Mars as a warrior; Jupiter as a worthy; Saturn as an ascetic), the signs of the Zodiac in a clockwise order, the Moon’s phases in an anti-clockwise order aligned with the Mansions of the Moon.
Illustration from 16th century Ottoman manuscript showing a giant armillary sphere.
(Source: everytimeyoucan)