William Blake. The Spiritual Form of Pitt Guiding Behemoth. 1805.
George Manupelli (AC Sandis); Silk screen on cardboard, 1970.
John Heartfield (montage), Deutschland, Deutschland über alles [Kurt Tucholsky], Germany, 1929.
Diego Rivera. Portrait de Messieurs Kawashima et Foujita. 1914.
Friedensreich Hundertwasser. Selections from the Regentag Portfolio. 1972.
Drahla Worldly Protector, Shri Devi Sakya, Dharmata the Upasaka Attendant to the Sixteen Great Arhats, Pehar Worldly Protector, Bakula the Elder, Vajrapani, Amitayus Mandala, Pratisara, Mandala of Buddha Śākyamuni, Mandala Plate of Vajrayoginī According to the System of Eleven Yogas (top to bottom). Tibet, Nepal. 1400s-1700s.
Emanuel Swedenborg. Opera Philosophia et Mineralia. Dresden & Leipzig. 1734.
Theo van Doesberg. Strasbourg. 1927.
Robert Fludd. Philosophia Moysaica, Utriusque Cosmi, Philosophia Sacra. 1617-1638.
Amazing Stories. Experimenter Publishing Company, New York. 1926.