Georg Agricola. De Re Metallica. 1556.
Hercules Segers. Mountain Valley With Dead Pine Trees, c. 1623. Mountain Valley with Fenced Fields, c. 1615–30. River Valley with a Waterfall, c. 1621-1632. The Mossy Tree, c. 1625–1630. Escape to Egypt, c. 1652. Rocky Landscape with a Man Walking to the Right (First version), c. 1625-1630. Mountain Gorge Bordered by a Road, c. 1621-1632. Tobias and the Angel (The Flight into Egypt), c. 1615-1630.
Albrecht Dürer. Draughtsman drawing a portrait. 1532.
John Webber. Inland village scenes in Atooi. One of the Sandwich Islands, c. 1785.
William Blake. Death Pursuing the Soul through the Avenues of Life. 1805.
Johann Jacob Scheuchzer. Physica Sacra, Iconibus Aeneis Illustrata. 1735.
John Lodge. The History and Present State of Discoveries Relating to Vision, Light, and Colours, Plate II. 1789.
Gustave Doré. A Voyage to the Moon. The Adventures of Baron Münchausen. 1867.
Shew Cobind Lall. Hand-colored lithograph, Calcutta, c. 1880.
Theodoor Galle (after Jan van der Straet). Cornelia, de deugdzame moeder van de Gracchi (detail), c. 1597.
Abraham Blooteling. Lions (Plate 4), Varie Leonum Icones, c. 1675.
Johann Faulhaber. Newe geometrische und perspectivische Inventiones etlicher sonderbahrer Instrument. Frankfurt am Main. 1610.
Joseph Cornell. Sans titre n°3. Nd.
Thomas Major after David Teniers. Le chirurgien de campagne (detail). 1747.
Wenceslas Hollar
William Blake. Lucifer and the Pope in Hell (The King of Babylon), c. 1794.