Pablo Picasso. Weeping Woman I. 1937.
Pablo Picasso, Death of the Harlequin, Paris, c. 1906.
Pablo Picasso, Head (Tête); Collage, gouache and charcoal on paperboard, c. 1913.
Hans Bellmer. Intertwined People. 1936.
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, At the Circus: The Spanish Walk (Au Cirque: Le Pas espagnol), 1899.
Man Ray. Shadow Drawings. 1970.
Willem de Kooning, Gotham News (Oil, enamel, charcoal, and newspaper transfer on canvas), 1955.
Odilon Redon, La Bataille des os (The Battle of the bones), ca. 1881.
Pavel Tchelitchew. Spiral Head. 1950.
Georges Braque, Vase, Palette, and Mandolin ( Oil, charcoal, graphite on canvas), 1936.
Bill Traylor (1854–1949)
Bill Traylor (1854–1949)
قليان هندي، نارگيله، قليان حقه عربي.
Willem de Kooning, Woman (Charcoal on transparentized paper), 1965.