#real – @magicandmundane on Tumblr

Held Together By Love For An Instant.

@magicandmundane /

So it's the year of crying about fathers and daughters in fiction. *gesticulates wildly at The Bad Batch and The Dragon Prince* Anyway, this blog is mostly just silly nonsense from my brain about the fandoms I love. Don't expect any huge analyses, just shower thoughts and memes. And no, I will not be making a list of my fandoms because I think it's more fun this way, but feel free to ask. Is there anything else I should make known?

i say idgaf and then im still dreaming about my childhood best friend

i say idgaf and

then im still dreaming about

my childhood best friend

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.

i say i don't care

and then im still dreaming of

my childhood best friend

When the haiku bot messes up I will be there to correct the post.

Closer, but the last line is still 6 syllables.

(Childhood has 3 syllables not 2)

i say i don't care

and then im still dreaming of

my best friend from youth

When the haiku bot messes up I will be there to correct the post.

When the haiku bot

messes up I will be there

to correct the post.

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.


if you like a piece of media that is good eventually youll more or less run out of things to say about how good it is but if you like a piece of media that is objectively pretty mediocre but also somehow deeply compelling thats how the demons get you


to be honest there has never been a fictional character i’ve actually wanted to date. like. i want them to date each other. i don’t want myself as a person to be involved in this scenario whatsoever. what would i add to this narratively? what’s my thematic purpose in the narrative? immersion breaking. 


to be honest there has never been a fictional character i’ve actually wanted to date. like. i want them to date each other. i don’t want myself as a person to be involved in this scenario whatsoever. what would i add to this narratively? what’s my thematic purpose in the narrative? immersion breaking. 


Friendships as a teenager: we used to talk 5 hours every night now it’s down to 3… are we still friends 🤔? I wonder if they don’t like me anymore

Friendships as an adult: omg I’ve finally cleared up 20 minutes of my schedule to talk to my friend I haven’t spoken to in 4 months #bffs #we will find eachother in every life

I’m still so taken aback by people in the notes who claimed you need to be talking to people weekly or even daily to consider them your friend. how many people do you know? As an adult I feel like talking every day is sustainable with one person maybe 2 or 3 if your circumstances somehow are really conveniently aligned. yeah there’s people I talk to often there’s also people I don’t talk to for 6 months because there’s no way we’ll be able to coordinate time and energy and I still consider them my friends because this is real life and there isn’t a stardew valley esque hearts system based off of how many interactions we had this month


just fyi by the time youre in your 30s, most of the people you would call to help you cover up a murder are the people you text about twice a year. it's specifically because you can maintain the relationship on two texts a year that they are your closest friends. the reason everyone's interpersonal relationships are so unstable in your teens is because everyone's "best friends" are almost entirely circumstantial. you won't actually know which of those people are in for the long haul until the relationships have been stress tested by distance, conflict and silence.

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