#captain rex – @magicandmundane on Tumblr

Held Together By Love For An Instant.

@magicandmundane /

So it's the year of crying about fathers and daughters in fiction. *gesticulates wildly at The Bad Batch and The Dragon Prince* Anyway, this blog is mostly just silly nonsense from my brain about the fandoms I love. Don't expect any huge analyses, just shower thoughts and memes. And no, I will not be making a list of my fandoms because I think it's more fun this way, but feel free to ask. Is there anything else I should make known?

What I wouldn't give for an animated "blooper reel" for Bad Batch:

- Hunter leaning up against a wall between takes, dozing off and almost falling over

- Tech looking down at his data pad while on the move through a forest set and walking straight into a tree

- Wrecker sitting down on the wrong chair and accidentally breaking it

- Echo flubbing his lines on purpose to make the others laugh while he keeps his own expression dead serious

- Crosshair not laughing when Echo flubs his lines, instead silently matching Echo's serious expression with the take ultimately turning into an intense staring contest

- Cut to Crosshair in his trailer loudly singing karaoke and playing air guitar with the prop rifle

- Omega is filming ALL of it

- Also Omega is the first to break character when anyone messes up a line

- Also Omega starting the cast conga line/dance party

- Rex, during his reveal in "The Clone Conspiracy," jokingly complaining that removing his cloak hood messes up his hair

- Several Howzer scenes needing to be reworked because donning/doffing his helmet actually messes up his hair cue Crosshair shouting from the sidelines "Just shave your head already"

- Gregor is... Gregor

- Phee being the pinnacle of professionalism while on camera while also being responsible for 99% of the pranks and shenanigans on set

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