#lmfao – @magicandmundane on Tumblr

Held Together By Love For An Instant.

@magicandmundane /

So it's the year of crying about fathers and daughters in fiction. *gesticulates wildly at The Bad Batch and The Dragon Prince* Anyway, this blog is mostly just silly nonsense from my brain about the fandoms I love. Don't expect any huge analyses, just shower thoughts and memes. And no, I will not be making a list of my fandoms because I think it's more fun this way, but feel free to ask. Is there anything else I should make known?

I completely missed the joke about him being the Rock, I just thought Medusa wouldn’t be able to turn him to stone because he’s too pure and good


i’m a complete and utter dumbass who got dwayne johnson and john cena mixed up so i thought the joke was that medusa can’t see him


Congrats on 200!! I'm so glad others are finding and enjoying your amazing art!

Can I pretty please request Crosshair doing something to Hunter's hair while the good sergeant is asleep? Braiding, giving him a pink scrunchie ponytail...just something goofy that a little brother might do?


thank you!! and of course!

don't ask where crosshair got those hair accessories from XD. he's just being a good little brother :3


Nine rings were made for men. Seven for the dwarves, three for the elves, and one for the big guy himself. One, three, seven, nine. There is but a set of five missing to complete the sequence of odd numbers. I propose that this missing set of rings of power was gifted to a mysterious someone by their true love, along with a partridge in a pear tree (among other things). In this essay I will-

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