And yet people still don’t get it. There focused, (or derailing), on if Zoe is black or defending her cause she is a Latino under fire, deservedly under fire mind you.
This was done with the intention of tarnishing her legacy. These people know how important her dark skin blackness was to her….machavelian move
When I found out they were actually gonna cast Zoe, I was sick to my stomach… Like… How you put a black woman in BLACK FACE like there wasn’t A BILLION more DARK SKINNED talented black actresses on the planet, not just in America…. Wow….
Zoe just needs to sincerely own up to fucking this up. And people discussing this need to not leave the writer/director’s name, Cynthia Mort out of it because she deserves just as much if not MORE heat, and she’s not getting it. Also, the production company, Ealing Studios. You can bet your ass both are happy that all the heat is on Zoe.