#white people – @machetelanding on Tumblr

Machete Landing

@machetelanding /

I post a bit of everything: nostalgia, movies, television, books, comic books, music, history, politics, America, and (lately) Anime tiddies.

White couples that adopt non-white kids

If you’re getting mad at someone for adopting a parentless child and bringing that child into a loving home because their skin color doesn’t match then you need to take a good hard look at your priorities, evaluate your life, and ask yourself how you sunk this fucking low.

Okay you need to calm the fuck down.

What OP is saying is that some white people don’t know or even try to raise non-white child they adopt right. Meaning they don’t try to allow the baby their culture, their hair, or opprotunities to learn their language, etc.

I have a Dominican friend (who was adopted by a white American couple) who is just learning now how to use her natural hair since her mom always made her perm it and is learning to swim now because she wasn’t allow to go to the pool or beach pretty much ‘cause her mom didn’t want her darker than she already was. Her father also had an obsession w light skin caribe WOC, and alway used derogatory/borderline creepy type language when referring to her.

And look my friend grew up well off and always got what she needed in terms of school, makeup, etc. But anything she did or said that went against the grain of the image her parents enforced for her wasn’t allowed and most of the times she was punished for it. My friend suffered fucking a lot from her parents shit and is only now able to deal with the trama since she’s away from them from school.

So you need to understand somethin’ @draumbouy . A lot of the time white people don’t want a kid, they want a minority trophy to show off. There are cases where that isn’t true, of course, but if my ass had a child and had to give them up for adoption I wouldn’t want a white cishet couple touchin’ a curl on their native latinx fucking head

Your personal anecdote don’t mean shit and especially since you’ve already acknowledged that some cases aren’t like that.

You think white couples want a trophy minority kid to show off? Or are you just projecting how much you want to hate on every white couple wanting to adopt? Because it looks like the latter here.

I’ve seen some shit parents from every racial background that shouldn’t have had any kids so your nitpicking at white couples shows just how fucked in the head you are as OP.

Hi, I’m assuming you’re white here. History lesson, here’s something y’all like to do: forced whitewashing and assimilation. This is a reality that you obviously are either ignorant of or just don’t fucking care about (and by the way you dismissed my friend’s fucking life imma assume the latter). If there’s a white couple prepared for the responsibility of raising their non-white adopted without depriving them the proper opportunities to connect and understand their heritage and culture, fucking good for them. They’re going to be a good parents that aren’t going to make their kid feel like theyre unnatural or other. But me and a lot of other POC personally dont want to run that risk with our children

I’m Asian, so you can take your racist assumption and shove it up your arrogant ass. History lesson: on tumblr, not everyone who disagrees with you is white.

Your friend’s anecdote =/= the same experience everyone else has.

You don’t get to speak for other POC while talking over one.

No parent is perfect and as much as we’d hope for them to be, they’re going to make mistakes. The best we can hope for is that the child who got adopted from the parents–who were genuinely abusive or just plain ignorant of their child’s wishes–grows up to teach their (maybe) future children better.

Claimin you’re POC, but your posts seem very pro-white and anti-left leaning 🤷🏼‍♀️ either way the difference between these options at the moment is that you seem like you’re willing to sacrifice a child just to prove a “not all white people” point while I wouldn’t just sit around in silence ‘hoping’ that nothing happens to these children. But whatever, I ain’t giving more energy for a tumblr post. ‘Hope’ you rot, hun. And my ‘unimportant’ friend got a message for you:

Oh, no. My opinions make me white and apparently I’m the racist here?

I’m not the one with the lack of reading comprehension. I hope your friend got therapy for their experience and I hope you eventually learn that NOT EVERYONE SHARES THE SAME EXPERIENCE.

I’m pro-people, you illiterate cunt. I support people honestly trying to do good.

I’m not the dumbass supporting OP, who was proven to be a literal neo-Nazi blog who was all about “how dare white people dirty their culture with the non-white kids!”

You took it the other direction and took it as a personal attack. Tf did I say I’d sacrifice a child? Bitch, that’s all you. I’m supportive of the people wanting to do their best when they adopt, regardless of their racial background or the racial background of the kid they’re adopting.

What about my Middle Eastern mother that adopted a white kid?

Evidently op was a white supremacist (check notes)

Damn white people and their . . .

*shuffles deck, draws random card*

. . . compassion for parentless children.


American history is the history of white men trying to avoid being uncomfortable.

It’s because they’re being actively insulted and discriminated against with the approval of the media you chucklefucks

The Mainstream Media: “Can My Child be Friends With White People?” “White People Shouldn’t be Allowed to Vote” “10 Ways That White People Are Ruining This Country” “All White People Are Born Racist” “’I Hate White People’ Is Not Racism” “White People Are Dying Out, And That’s A Good Thing” “Having White Children Should Be A Crime”

The Mainstream Media: “Where Are All These White Identitarians Coming From?”


as a black girl i literally do not care if white people throw around words like “squad” and “bae” and “thot” and whatever. theyre not exclusive to us. we have a vernacular, sure, and we use it a lot. its only human nature that it would pass along to be included in other vocabularies as well. i literally do not care. there are so many people angry about white girls saying “squad goals” and all that. idc that taylor fuckin swift has a “squad” of mostly white girls. they a group of good friends, they a squad. gah damn.


the n word is another story altogether

i think its just a nasty word to be thrown out asap ok

i dont think blacks should use it

i dont think whites should use it

i dont think anyone should use it

its degrading and i hate being called it by anyone

i really dont like it ok

say anything else but that!!!!!!

that is all




People bitch about this and I automatically think “HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO ASIA OR EVEN SEEN AN ASIAN ADVERTISEMENT/SHOW?” 

We are so diverse as a country and then there is a single thing with only white people in it and idiots go “oh god everyone freak out this is racism this is oppression racist racism racist not a single thing in the world can have only white people this is satans work”.


this congressman just said that white people have contributed more to civilization than any other race in the world

“contribute”…that’s what they call it now?

The computer

The cellphone

The automobile

The internet

Yes. White men have definitely contributed more to society. There’s no argument.


Whites invented………

Aerosol can, air conditioning, automotive airbag, airplane, airship, alphabet (Yep. Phoenicians were white.), American sign language, animation (films), answering machine, amusement park, aspartame, aspirin, assembly line, astrolabe, AstroTurf, audiotape, ATMs, automobile, asphalt pavement, prepared baby food, flat-bottomed paper bag, Bakelite, ball bearing, balloon,  adhesive bandage, bar code, barbed wire, barometer, battery, bicycle, blood bank, home freezer, blow dryer, atomic energy applications, Braille system, bra, bread slicing machine, button, buttonhole, calculator, calculus, Gregorian calendar, flee collar, camcorder, camera, movie camera, tin can, can opener, candle, canning, carbon-14 dating, cardboard and corrugated, cash register, cat litter, mail-order catalog, cellophane, cement, concrete, cereal flakes, chewing gum, chocolate candy, chronometer, pendulum clock, quartz clock, cloning, drip coffee, Styrofoam  decaf coffee, coins, compact disc (CD), computed tomography (CT scan, CAT scan), digital computer, laptop computer, network television, adhesive labels, personal computer, reinforced concrete, latex comdum, geometry, contact lenses, oral contraceptives, hybrid corn, bologna, White Out, grocery coupon, crayons, cream separator, credit card, crossword puzzle, DDT, defibulator, dentures, metal detector, smoke alarm, artificial diamond, disposable diaper, DVD, dishwasher, DNA fingerprinting, doughnut, revolving door, drinking fountain, movie theaters, dry cleaning, fabric elastic, bottle caps, cigarettes, electric chair, electrocardiogram (EKG), electroencephalogram, e-mail, subway, passenger elevator, encyclopedia, air brakes, internal combustion engine, jet engine, liquid-fueled rocket engine, steam engine, escalator, eyeglasses, fax, fiber optics, fiberglass, paper envelopes, photographic film, dynamite, adhesive glue, steel suspension bridge, Venetian blinds, portable flashlight battery, baggies, multiple vitamin, vacuum flask, food processor, freeze-dried foods, oxygen tank, frozen foods, magic markers, antifreeze, transistor radio, Fresnel lens, fuel cell, genetic engineering, tissue paper dress pattern, Gieger counter, “drive-through” window, glass, safety glass, greeting card, guillotine, electric guitar, chain saw, wire coat hanger, helicopter, holography, hypodermic syringe, fluoridation  in vitro fertilization, ink, insulin extraction and preparation, integrated circuit, Internet, electric iron, food irradiation, jeans, JELLO-O, jukebox, Kevlar, Kool-Aid, laser, laundromat, gas-powered lawn mower, Lego, incandescent light bulb, fluorescent ligh bulb, ligh-emitting diode (LED), linoleum, tube lipstick, FedEx and UPS, liquid crystal display (LCD), lock and key, flip-top cans,chlorofluorocarbon (Freon), locomotive, longbow, GPS technology, soda pop, loudspeaker, voice mail, modern hang gliders, electric fence, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), margarine, friction matches, metric system, microphone, microscope, microwave oven and other applications, wet suit, American baseball, Google, weed eater, miniature golf, golf, glass mirror, guided missile, supermarkets, musket, mobile home, electrical tape, electric wire, paper money, refrigerated trucks, Monopoly board game, Morse code, heart transplant, electric motor, outboard motor, motorcycle, computer mouse, books (codex), Muzak, nail, necktie, neon light, compressed rubber, nuclear reactor, nylon, oil lamp, oil well, tinfoil, nail clippers, pacemaker, paper clip, paper towel, modern parachute, concentrated fruit drinks, parking meter, hearing aid, particle accelerator, mustard (ancient Rome) pasteurization, modern universities, central community electric utilities, ballpoint pen, pencil, periodic table, plastic, snerf balls, personal watercraft (motor boat), petroleum jelly, plastic garbage bag, phonograph, photocopying, photography, Wikipedia, bluegrass music, WD-40, instant photography, digital photography, human genome sequencing, alternating current applications, astro turf, direct current applications, Play Doh, steel plow, pocket watch, polyethylene, King James Bible, polygraph, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), Post-It Notes, potato chips, movable type, Prozac, radar, radio, car radio, symphony orchestra, rayon, psychology (ancient Egypt), naval jelly, modern psychology and psychoanalysis  electric razor, safety razor, mechanical reaper, LP records, refrigerator, TV remote control, hot dog, respirator, Frisbee, catsup, revolver, Richter scale, assault rifle, republic, roller coaster, Big Bird and Sesame St. characters, vulcanized rubber, basketball, American football, rubber band, Facebook, saccharin, cattle prod, Teflon, riding saddle, safety pin, vacuum tubes, wax paper, flares, communication satellite, saxophone  Scotch tape, car seat belt, sewing machine, anthropology (Aristotle), Mars and moon land rover, shoelaces, silicone, skateboard, ice skates, roller skates, tooth paste (Greeks), snow ski, steel-frame skyscraper, slot machine, snowmobile, soap, discount stores, carbonated soft drinks, sonar, postage stamps, windshield wipers, pickle, alternate speed windshield wipers, stapler, water treatment, steamboat, mass-produced steel, polyester, stainless steel, stereophonic sound recording, cloud seeding, stethoscope  stock ticker, stock market, stocks, electric stove, gas stove, drinking straw, submarine, sunglasses, sunscreen, supermarket, music synthesizer, drywall, synthetic skin, military tank, tea bag, teddy bear, Teflon, telegraph, telephone, mobile telephone, telescope, television, thermometer, thermostat, threshing machine, pneumatic tire, rubber processing, tissue paper, toilet paper, flush toilet, tractor, transistor, traffic lights, typewriter, ultrasound imaging, vaccination, electric vacuum cleaner, Velcro, video game, video recorder, videotape, virtual reality, vision correction laser, electric washing machine, wheel, wheelchair, windmill, rickshaw, Wold Wide Web, digital wristwatch, X-ray, Zamboni, zipper, corn syrup and other corn derivatives, man on the moon, etc.

Anyhow… Here’s some Black Invention Myths just in case you’re going to try to combat this. 


PSA @ white people

Because some of you kids got the wrong Idea.

Regardless of what you’re being taught today, don’t hate yourself. Nothing good will ever come from self hatred. It will not make our lives any better and it sure as hell won’t approve yours. Although the world we live in was shaped by the sins of the past those sins are not yours. Even though racism lives on today you were not born to shoulder the sins of an entire race. You did not choose to be born in this world in the skin you’re in, none of us did.

No one has the right to punish for your skin, the sins of other people,or the difference in the life you live. You may not share the same struggle I do but it is not a crime, the only crime is doing nothing in the face of any struggle. HELP PEOPLE. If you care that’s fine. If you want to help that’s great, but you don’t have to prostrate and shame yourself to show you’re a good person. Good actions show you’re a good person.

Tearing you down will not solve anything,it will not save us nor will it bring back those we lost. Let no one convince you that hatred is the solution to hatred.

I refuse to hate you because hatred is poisonous.  Hatred kills you faster than the person you hate. Haters a waste of valuable time and energy and I  have bigger better things  to make up my life. And I refuse to my last breath to any person or group decide my emotions for me. In short I will not hate on behalf of anyone. Hate is not to show solidarity love and loyalty.  If I believe my people are strong then I don’t need to put anyone else down.


I'm proud to be white.

I’m sure this caught your attention.

Yes. You read it correctly. I’m proud to be white but what does this mean to me?

I’m proud to be Italian (and a little German) aka white. White is not one solid heritage/culture. We have diverse differences depending on the individual.

I’m proud of my culture. I’m proud of the beautiful food. We have such an amazing culture around food. I love and am proud of the beautiful Italian language (I want to learn it so bad) I’m proud of where my family comes from and the struggles I know they have gone through. I’m proud of how I look and my Italian features. Big/long Italian nose and all. I have learned to accept it as it is. I’m proud of the family aspect of Italian culture. We all love each other and take care of each other anyways, no matter what, it is the Italian way. I’m proud of Italian fashion and its strides. It’s so glamorous. I’m proud of the beautiful works of art that come out of Italy. They have a beautiful art history. I’m proud of my skin because I can pull off almost any color (so I’ve been told) and it looks nice with my big, blue eyes. I’m grateful for the appearance I was blessed with. I enjoy how I look.

So yes, I’m proud to be “white” and it has nothing to do with anyone else but myself. I’m proud of where I came from and I’m proud of my “white” culture. I’m comfortable with myself and I’m not afraid to take pride in my heritage, no one should be.

(I wrote this for everyone who says as a white person, you’re not allowed to be proud of who you are, where you came from, that we have no culture, etc. I’m tired of the whole “white people are all the same” rhetoric. Plenty of people use “white pride” as a negative thing, for sure, but being proud of your “white” heritage/culture doesn’t automatically mean hating anyone else or thinking you’re better.)

That is all. ❤


PS Fucking A:

If you’re white and on this site:

  • You have gorgeous skin, even if its extremely pale.
  • Your skin is not “mayo”. Our skin color varies and your skin is not what people refer to as “mayo”. Your skin tone is beautiful and unique. 
  • Your body shape does not define you as a person. Every body shape is so different and unique. 
  • You don’t need to feel bad for crimes you did NOT commit. You are not your past family members, you are you. Sad I even have to say this.
  • Ignore the hate that is going around this site towards whites. Its so ignorant and racist to judge someone on their skin and you don’t need that in your life. Negativity is not something you need. 
  • Privilege is a socioeconomic factor and if you worked hard to get where you are, flaunt it. Flaunt what you worked hard for. 
  • Most importantly.If a person tries to put you down for your skin tone to boost their confidence; ignore that racist piece of shit. They’re probably jealous if they’re really going after your skin. Go out and wear that kimono, wear those dreads, eat whatever you want and do what makes YOU happy. Its not illegal to explore different cultures and enjoy / indulge in the cultures of different areas. Its called going out and experiencing the world and not being chained to one country’s culture. If someone gives you shit about it, ignore it and hold your head high. Do not base your life around another’s feelings because you do not live to serve others; you live for you. You deserve to be happy.

You are a human being with a mind, feelings and soul. Your skin does not define what you get to experience in life and where you get to go in the world. Your feelings are WAY more important than some stranger’s on the internet. You do you, love. 

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