I feel like too many little boys are getting diagnosed as having ADHD and getting put on medicine when they're just being hyper like kids are
“Why are boys always the ones to shoot up schools?! Clearly it’s because of masculinity and nothing else!”
every time i see that "if you have white teenage boys listen up" twitter thread it makes my blood boil. feminists spent a decade talking about how awful and evil and worthless white men are and now they act surprised white boys are driven away from liberalism and towards the alt-right. and to top it all off they don't even acknowledge the blame could be on themselves (unless it's then thinking they weren't forceful enough with their teachings lmao) and look towards literally anybody else to blame. but it's them. they're the ones who wrote articles about how unsafe men are, including their own sons. they're the ones justifying things like #KillAllMen by saying that good men won't get upset about it. they're the fucking monsters here. the alt-right saw an opportunity and it was given to them on a silver platter by selfish fucks who cared more about being allowed to just treat men like shit than actually being decent people.
fuck feminists, especially feminist monthers who believe this shit, you assholes got what you deserved. i hopw your children get away from the toxic cult that is the alt-right but i also hopw they get away from you.
Feminists treat everyone else like shit and then they wonder why bigots are so loud and obnoxious these days.
It’s actually a circle of recruitment here.
“Feminist” moms inspire alienation and hatred in their sons, which makes them easy pickings for the alt-right. Their female classmates see their shitty behavior, assume all men are like your average alienated 15-year-old boy, and then get recruited in turn by TERF’s. Some of them don’t grow out of this and have their own sons, and the cycle repeats.
Basically, instead of talking to them, parents like her just go, “oh, my son’s a misogynist prick, fuck it!”
If she had sat the down and said, “hey, this is why such and such is wrong”, then perhaps they wouldn’t end up depressed and alienated. I hope they have friends with parents who are more welcoming than their own.
More specifically, you have to have mutual understanding with them, depending on what it is. If they want to kick puppies, by all means, lay down the law, but if it's something that's simply troublesome, then try to understand where they're coming from, and talk them out of any harmful ideas.
The approach that some of these parents are taking can be sweet-sounding and empathetic on the surface, but if there's still an underlying message of "you are inherently bad", you won't reach them in a way that matters. Bigotry will be its own undoing, and the people who refuse to accept people for who they are will see them fleeing to someone who does... even if that someone is a different kind of bigot.
Everyone wants to feel accepted and nobody wants to feel ostracized, and it really is that simple. Rejecting all discrimination against anything that people cannot help but be is a necessity moving forward, because at the end of the day, if the future you're building doesn't have a place for everyone, then the outliers will deny that future.
This book is amazing so far. I highly recommend it.
Christina Hoff Sommers is such a breath of fresh air when it comes to modern feminism. I would love to read this book but have a feeling that, while it may be eye-opening, it would leave me really sad and angry.