Frog causes Hillary to lose election, winds up dead only a few months later.
@machetelanding /
Frog causes Hillary to lose election, winds up dead only a few months later.
Never forget that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by 2,864,978 votes.
Never forget that about 1.6 Million of those votes came from New York alone, which is why we have the Electoral College in place so that a single small highly populated section of the country cannot force their way into speaking for the rest of the country as a whole.
Never forget that another 260,000 can be accounted for in D.C.
Or let’s talk about the elephant (hehe irony) in the room. California.
Whom gave that woman 7,362,000 votes.
Keep getting mad because Hillary won the popular by a whole Nevada, the 35th most populace state.
Meanwhile, Trump won 30.25 (.25 for Maine’s 1 of 4 vote for him) states. He won almost 61% of states. States, you know, who vary wildly between one another on interests, perspectives and desires. In 61% of states, the general public voted in favor of Trump. In 3/5ths of the states, the people had a popular vote and it net Trump their states. That’s the just shy of the 2/3rds fraction it takes to impeach a goddamn president or to override a presidential veto.
I’d rather have 61% of states sway in favor of a less than ideal president than have single-state-ruling California, with nearly 12% of the population, swing the elections every four years. At least with states, we have what’s called a swing state for a reason.
The people chose. It just wasn’t your galpal.
LOL! Jeez, this woman can’t even take a hike in the woods without lying about something!
If the next headline I see about this election was “Trump and Hillary Break Out In Slappy Fight On Stage”. At this rate, it seems like something that would happen.
Everyone is calling for Trumps head over his leaked tape of him saying something lewd, saying he perpetuates sexual assault, rape culture, all that crap. Meanwhile I’m over here like “Or he was having a candid conversation with his friend while thinking he wasn’t being recorded.” I mean honestly, who hasn’t said off color things among friends or in private, knowing that they wouldn’t actually say those things to another person?