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Small cross-stitch samplers I finished! Just in time for Halloween. <3
those are incredible
Craft projects I completed! I had those two pieces of embroidery for almost 10 years, and I kept debating what to do with them, and I finally decided on decorative pillows. <3
Slow Cloth Experiment #2, currently stitching this bit. Will eventually be added to Experiment #1. More recycled handkerchiefs and some thread bare cotton, mended and sewn. This is another of those can’t put it down projects once I get going.
Working on the model for my new design, “Little Hoots”. Finally, a day I can devote to stitching and coffee.
Something kind of new for me…moving away for a little bit from the whimsical stuff I usually design and stitch. Got to thinking about how plants can always find a way through the cracks in the pavement or they can push up through the hardest, unturned earth. Painted over the bottom layer of stitching, then stitched the top layer and suddenly the flowers beneath were poking through.
Framed in a 6” hoop, stitched on a recycled bit of flour sack towel.