@lyinginbedmon on Tumblr

The Ever-Honest Lying

@lyinginbedmon /

A bizarre little youtuber. Pan-demi nonbeeny, autistic, they/them.

My medication stocks are getting to within a month left and the fund has been (relatively) quiet lately so here's your reminder that my entire transition is crowdfunded and if I run out entirely I get to experience the wondrous cocktail of Symptoms™ that is premature menopause for a second time.

So please consider either donating or spreading the word, or both, as is reasonably within your personal capacities.


I think its insane tbh that the US doesn’t have mandatory military service or the draft anymore and hasn’t for years & people still bend over backwards publicly to beg for empathy & forgiveness for their poor brother or father or coworker or whatever

then they're like 'well it was the only way to afford a house!' like that's not literally admitting you can be bought to do imperialist horrors. You still consented, hoe!

I do feel the need to point out that, yes, military service should not by any stretch be considered implicitly laudable or heroic... but y'all the US is on another level when it comes to getting people to do it anyway.

Military recruitment will show up at school job fairs, it will guarantee you higher education, you will promise you transferable skills for post-service employment, it will even sell you with health insurance.

And all while you're not even out of high school.

Meanwhile, it dumps millions of dollars into Hollywood to make army heroes and action set pieces, with official US military logos on everything. To convince the young and impressionable that not only is being a soldier noble and honourable, it's also cool.

For a lot of people in the US, the military is quite genuinely the only reasonable option they have for a stable life. And the system is rigged to keep it that way for them.

Honestly reinstating the draft would probably be a lot easier and cheaper than what they've got going on. They're basically brainwashing teenagers into doing imperialist horrors voluntarily.


You’re tired. Burnt out. Exhausted. Stressed.

This lowers your capacity for emotional regulation.

You’ll cry more easily. Get dragged into low moods more easily. Simple little things where you’re like ‘dang, that shouldn’t hit so hard,’ will wallop you.

This will trick you into thinking you’re weak and can’t handle life. A loser.

Not so my friend.

It’s a signal that you need a nap, need to allow for more sleep at night, need to prioritize and scale back on what you can accomplish in a day, need to take a mental health day or even a leave.

Something’s got to give.


It’s not your self worth.


B-17 bomber is riddled with German anti-aircraft fire but miraculously survives. Later they discover the explosive shells were all inert; sabotaged by Nazi slaves working in armament factories.

Inside one empty shell is a written note: it's all we can do for you now.

The most important part of all this is that these small acts of bravery and noncompliance cannot be known as long as the enemy still stands, and might never be known. Just because it doesn’t seem like anyone is doing anything doesn’t mean it’s true. The best malicious compliance or subtle sabotage is the one that’s never detected, but makes ravages nonetheless.

A critical part of any resistance is

Do not post your crimes

Do not brag. Do not look for brownie points. Do not publicly recruit. Keep your mouth shut.


i think one of the funniest underrated jokes in su is when pearl, steven, and amethyst are in the car, pearl is driving, and they ended up speeding and getting followed by a cop. pearl's freaking out bc she doesn't have a license, and when steven is surprised, she's like "what was i supposed to tell the dmv, that i'm from another planet? im not exactly a citizen, steven!"


Thank you to each person willing to stand up to this regime. Hold the line.

Searched through sources to make sure this was real:

Here's the thing: Do not mess with the military.

Yes, strictly speaking, they're supposed to take directions from politicians, regardless of what party or appointment they are.

But in reality, the military is extensively moulded to respect and follow the chain of command. Specifically, their chain of command. To a certain extent, a lot of ranking officers are frequently quite dismissive or even adversarial to "pencil-pushing bureaucrats" or "political desk-jockeys".

So, when you try to establish a fascistic regime, and your first actions are to evict the highest postings in the military of career soldiers, and then you go a step further and start getting rid of anyone who doesn't meet a certain ethnic or gender standard... well the troops aren't going to much respect you or the toadies you replace their COs with.


tbh if you're worried your art style doesn't accommodate different types of people here's a fun little checklist:

  • can you draw a fat butch woman, with very short/shaved hair?
  • can you draw a construction worker in their mid 40's?
  • can you draw an old woman who's been baking for 50 years?
  • can you draw an androgynous looking black queer artsy type?
  • can you draw a chubby 6 year old who's favorite animal is cars?
  • can you draw an asian trans woman who's a guitarist?
  • can you draw a wheelchair user who's a librarian?
  • can you draw an old black woman who likes to knit?

If your answer to any of these is a "no" or a "maybe" then maybe you need to flex your character design muscles in that area. I definitely haven't drawn characters who fit all of these categories myself, even if i know i could draw them. It's a fun challenge regardless, and every one of these prompts still has a bunch of variance within them.


I wanted to collect all my posts about the Magic: the Gathering card that's coming out for Emet-Selch here on Tumblr for posterity

The card is written in such a lore-consistent way that it contains what I would consider to be spoilers for the story, so don't read the card until you've played the game FFXIV if you plan to play the game if you want to remain completely unspoiled.


Glad it’s not just me


The first time I saw this video I didn't reblog or save it anywhere and it's been genuinely impossible to find again. I searched every variation of "dyke falling apart car bentley review asmr meme" I could come up with on Google and across multiple websites/apps.

So, thanks for putting this back on my dash.

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