I do feel the need to point out that, yes, military service should not by any stretch be considered implicitly laudable or heroic... but y'all the US is on another level when it comes to getting people to do it anyway.
Military recruitment will show up at school job fairs, it will guarantee you higher education, you will promise you transferable skills for post-service employment, it will even sell you with health insurance.
And all while you're not even out of high school.
Meanwhile, it dumps millions of dollars into Hollywood to make army heroes and action set pieces, with official US military logos on everything. To convince the young and impressionable that not only is being a soldier noble and honourable, it's also cool.
For a lot of people in the US, the military is quite genuinely the only reasonable option they have for a stable life. And the system is rigged to keep it that way for them.
Honestly reinstating the draft would probably be a lot easier and cheaper than what they've got going on. They're basically brainwashing teenagers into doing imperialist horrors voluntarily.