Bayonetta + touching her glasses
This hairstyle should come with a warning.
Heart eyes for days <3
He was picking out a recipe for heaven’s sake.
This guy, I swear.... <3
Does anyone else suddenly feel like they’re a disarmingly beautiful anime character whenever they slide their glasses up the bridge of their nose or is that just me?
Oh daaaaayum... This is totally my thing. 😍
Ppl who wear glasses: How do you keep them clean because holy shit
We don’t.
This is the truest thing. I will go for hours looking around smudges on my lenses because I cannot be bothered. But when I clean them, it's amazing. They just don't stay that way for long.
I like how glasses suggest intelligence instead of broken eyes.
I'd prefer not to think of glasses as fixing "broken eyes", but rather enhancing our unique visual perspective. :)