Silent Erik has a fuller build, I mean Leroux Erik is a skeleton, however this one gives me the impression that he has more meat on his bones
He has a belly, I mean I just want to see him eat properly
He's canonically a virgin, it's the 19th century, he has post-traumatic stress, he's probably terrible sexually
And that's even if he has a good perception of sexuality, because has so much self-hatred that he probably doesn't even try anything
Has a very high libido, but has spent so much time despising himself that he won't ask to be with someone else, so he takes matters into his own hands
It's going to take a while to finally do something with someone
When gets nervous he gets goofy, gives me the impression that he is even more goofy than Leroux Erik
During the act, probably mentions his physical defects, prefers to depress himself before the other person does it
At first he could be rough intercourse, but not because being rude, but because he simply has no idea what is doing
After that first awkward attempt, seems like the type who just lies there hugging the person and doesn't move much
I can't say he's very loud because he's literally silent (sorry I just wanted to make that joke)
But using that logic, every few scenes an intertitle appears (a text card) describing the sound like *gasp*