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The Musings Of An Obsessive Mind

@lucianalight /

"I'm me. First, last and always." Writing mostly about my obsessions. Also some random thoughts.

I think I just aged about a bajillion years. I just had to explain a) why a landline phone needed to be plugged into the wall and b) what a switch hook is (the thing under the phone cradle that depresses when you put the handset back on its base, ending the call) and the person I was explaining it to was so enamored like golly gee, you sure do know a lot about 20th century technology.

*shakes fist playfully but gently lest my dusty arm fall off* whipper snappers

Also, not to compound the vampire rumors, but telephones are from the 19th century.

“Back in my day we used to own the media we liked.”

Okay, Grandma Joy.

“We kept them on spools of special tape that could store magnetic patterns that machines called videocassette recorders could read, creating moving pictures and sound on the screen, but only if you turned the tv to a special channel.”

(Talking aside to someone else) Has she had her meds today?

“If you wanted to watch your show again, you had to rewind the tape by holding down the button, but if you had a fancy machine it would do it for you as soon as it reached the end…”


“We could even record live television with them! And no one could stop us!”

Okay, someone’s over excited. Let’s get you back to bed…

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