“I’m in this with you. We're gonna figure it out together, okay? Whoever you are, whoever you were, I'm in. No matter what happens, no matter what anybody else thinks. I'M WITH YOU” – @loveeslove on Tumblr

“I’m in this with you. We're gonna figure it out together, okay? Whoever you are, whoever you were, I'm in. No matter what happens, no matter what anybody else thinks. I'M WITH YOU

All the #Raylla kisses up-to episode 4, Motherland: Fort Salem - 2 kisses per episode till now!! Originally, I didn’t add Last episode’s last kisses as they were not between Raelle and Scylla, but between the actresses. So why not?! :D

TOTAL 8 LIP LOCKS!! And 9 if we count the last one too. These gif-sets are made by me, you can use them if you want to.

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