Tell me what time it is where you are and whats on your mind 💭
Only YOU can change your life. No one can do it for you.
If youre over the age of 20 and lost all your teen years to mental illness and never got to be normal, or have healthy relationships, went down the wrong path or diddnt have the right nurturing support from BOTH your parents and now you have to sort of catch up on your life whether thats getting your license, getting your GED, starting college, fixing your mental health, or starting things you told yourself to start or try again and again no matter what it is, and trying to fight to live and accomplish shit you FEEL you should have accomplished as a teenager but diddnt have the capacity or insight to care about due to mental illness.
- I am so incredibly sorry, and im thankful youre here and alive and trying!!! also;
- You are N O T a failure you took your time because you couldnt put more on yourself than you could bear to carry and that is a mark of self care so dont ever feel bad about it
- I am so fucking proud of you, youre trying your hardest to get to the top even though it may be harder now, you could have given up but you havent and for that you are victorious and i am in awe of you.
May I be happy.
May I be peaceful.
May I be free.
May my friends be happy.
May my friends be peaceful.
May my friends be free.
May my enemies be happy.
May my enemies be peaceful.
May my enemies be free.
May all beings be happy.
May all beings be peaceful.
May all beings be free.
💫I need to remember to do this more💫