Once upon a time a vampire showed up at my doorstep. I knew he was a vampire and invited him in regardless. 45 minutes later he left my house, sobbing. He cried out –“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy upon me, a sinner!” A lightning bolt struck him and turned him to ash.
what if i killed myself in front of my mom who said that i should go form a club with my aunt who was also extremely nervous about the election. what then
Those guys are still in that submarine btw
how that slot machine gonna look if you pull again
look dude i only whined like a wounded dog because im wounded dogstyle
in the end, all ship pairings can be categorized as either squidbob, patbob, squidward x squilliam, or mr krabs x mrs puff. thats just the way things are. if it builds off of a trope theres a spongebob pairing to match it. if you don't understand this then we can't hire you to oversee the production at this lithium ion battery plant
i’m sorry if i’m just reposting something i already saw on here but this image makes me feel like i’m teetering on the edge of a permanent mental break
boiled caterpillars!
boiled caterpillars goes to the dentist!
boiled caterpillars!
BTW today I met a person who's at least 50, uses they/it pronouns, and named themself Wyvern. It looks like if Santa was a biker and it plays D&D at the local library. Just a reminder that you can do whatever you want, forever.
been enjoying a lot of donuts and taking pictures of donuts over the past several weeks
Last week I was on the brink of having a nervous breakdown while getting groceries and then I saw this outside