Belted Galloways, belties
Bos taurus
@lord-allo /
Belted Galloways, belties
Bos taurus
Galloway-Rind | Galloway cattle
Bos taurus
Freunde vom Deich | Friends from the dyke
Junge Rinder | Young cattle
Bos taurus
Von Etosha nach Windhoek | From Etosha to Windhoek
+ Rinder | + Cattle
+Termitenhügel | + Termite mounds
Von Swakobmund nach Etosha | From Swakobmund to Etosha
(+ Rinder | + cattle)
Ziegen, Rinder, Pferde | Goats, cattle, horses
Landeanflug auf Namibia. Buschsavanne. Trockenes Flussbett, Wege (Schotterstraßen), Rinder am Wasserloch...
Landing approach to Namibia. Bush savannah, dried-out riverbed, lanes (gravel roads), cattle at the waterhole
Portrait eines Galloways | Portrait of a Galloway
Bos taurus
Zwergzebus | Dwarf zebus
Bos taurus indicus
[Serengetipark Hodenhagen]
Galloway-Rinder | Galloway cattle
Bos taurus
‘Deutsche Holsteins Rotbunt’
Rinder | Cattle
Bos primigenius taurus
Galloway-Rinder | Galloway cattle
Bos primigenius taurus
Schottische Hochlandrinder | Scottish Highland Cattle
Bos primigenius taurus
Kuh-Nahaufnahme | Cow close-up
Bos primigenius taurus
‘Deutsche Holsteins Rotbunt’ & ‘Holstein-Friesen’ | ‘-Friesians’
Rinder | Cattle
Bos primigenius taurus
Eine Herde ‘Deutsche Holsteins Rotbunt’ | A herd of ‘Deutsche Holsteins Rotbunt’
Rinder | Cattle
Bos primigenius taurus