A pizza delivery man who brings either death or pizza to your front doorstep. Has a wide arsenal at his disposal: trowel knives, homemade cardboard box timed explosives, bulletproof flak-jacket pizza warmers, silenced machine pistols and shotguns. Runs part-time jobs at both major pizza eateries of AP:E (Pizza God™ and Gutshot’s Pizza™) so it’s impossible to shake him entirely if you chance ordering out for pizza.
Unfortunately, despite being incredibly survivable thanks to shrewdness and his small-arms-proof apron, Chick has reached a position of standstill regarding his rank. At his level, all the low-level goons that order out for pizza aren’t high-ranked enough to yield him any lasting progress, while high-level assassins rarely ever order out for pizza, making his presence at any of their hideouts suspicious at first sight. Despite not wielding any enhanced powers, Chick believes that he has the potential to become one of the greatest assassins ever, but it is his minimum-wage job that is holding him down.