it’s time to level up!
Needed this.
Perfect timing
@lookatthewords /
it’s time to level up!
Needed this.
Perfect timing
Unknown (via wnq-anonymous)
oh snap
This is an actual Therapist Recommended method for dealing with a runaway “inner critic” and this comic is perfect ❤️
More seeds of wisdom from Shonda Rhimes*:
*these are not exact quotes, in some places I’m paraphrasing and changing things out of order.
Here’s some more:
1. You repeated my idea 2. You’re in my space 4. No, I won’t do that for you 5. I am aware of that
I only have one addition.
1. I don’t assume I know more about your work than you; I’d appreciate the same respect.
1. That’s disrespectful and I won’t be spoken to like that. 2. I’m not here for you.
1. I am speaking from knowledge and you are speaking from assumptions
2. Your anger is inappropriate and I will not tolerate your yelling/disrespect/tone
3. Your feelings on this topic are irrelevant
Reblogging for additional commentary/suggestions. :)
Joshua Graham (via godmaking)
There’s a certain audacity required to write. There’s an audacity in believing that the story in your head, which is an extrapolation of something held as a deeper truth, might be interesting or important to anyone but you. There’s an audacity in believing that you can accurately transfer that story-truth into words on a page, and that those strung-together words will also be something beautiful. From where does this audacity arise? How do you develop a belief in yourself so strong that it can see you through to the end of a poem or the conclusion of a novel?
Adding this quote (bolding mine) from a bit later, because SO MUCH YES:
Why should parents have to embark on a literary research project and discard their televisions in order to create diversity in their children’s lives, to show their children that the world values people who look or talk or dream like they do? The audacity to write is harder to muster when you don’t believe you are valued.
When the whole world’s telling you you’re shit, one website telling you you’re wonderful isn’t at risk of tipping the scales unjustly in the opposite direction, ya dig?
Maya Angelou (via makelvenotwar)
Stand Like This for 2 Minutes Per Day from
No, for real, though—this is a thing. Not sure about the science behind it, but it makes me feel fancy and powerful regardless. I highly recommend it.
There actually is legit science behind this. In fact, here’s an entire TED Talk about the science behind it, and the confidence-related chemicals that your brain produces JUST BY YOU STANDING LIKE THIS.
Danielle LaPorte, The Positivity of Pride (via dreaming-naked)
The only ‘black privilege’ i agree to acknowledge is the fact that I’m most likely gonna look 20 for another 10-15 years
I see no lies
Anonymous asked: *Rolls around the floor* I feel like my writing sucks and no matter how much I write and edit it doesn’t get better. Do you have any tips on how to be confident in your writing?
*Throws around pillows so you don’t bang into the furniture*
Here are my steps.
Anklebiters, Paramore.